Hemp Vs Weed – What’s The Difference?

Many cannabis users, particularly those new to cannabis, are often confused about hemp vs. weed, indica or sativa, THC or CBD. And can say that they are all the same but not really, both hemp and weed fall under the cannabis umbrella and are thus thought to be the same thing. This, unfortunately, is not completely accurate. Both are part of the Cannabaceae family and both do have effects on the body and the mind, but in starkly different ways due to the chemical composition of each plant. The main difference between hemp and weed is the dominant compound that is present in the strain, however, both strains can be used for medicinal or recreational purposes, it is up to the user to decide whether they want their relief to come with a psychoactive effect or not.

What Is Weed?

Weed is known by many names such as marijuana, grass, pot, Mary Jane and many more. It can also be consumed in many forms such as edibles, smoking, vaping and drinking. By drinking or eating weed, it will take longer to feel the effects of the weed. It will take about thirty minutes to two hours to feel the effects, however, these effects will last significantly longer – up to eight hours longer compared to smoking or vaping weed which have a faster onset of effects but don’t last particularly long.

The weed plant is green with many long leaves and tiny hairs that grow on the leaves and stems. It is also a flowery plant and the buds of the plant are what is used to make weed for consumption. Despite its numerous medicinal properties, weed is mostly consumed for recreational purposes. This means it is used for pleasure and enjoyment, despite it being an excellent way to alleviate numerous ailments such as anxiety, depression and chronic illnesses.

What Is Hemp?

Hemp falls in the botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars and is grown for medicinal and industrial reasons. Some industrial products include:

  • Paper
  • Rope
  • Textiles
  • Biofuel
  • Shoes
  • Animal feed
  • Food
  • Soaps

When hemp is used for medicinal purposes, the root is used in many medicinal formulations. When used for treatment it is used for eczema, arthritis, high cholesterol, constipation and much more. It is also used as a pain reliever and is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

The hemp plant itself grows as a tall stalk with many branches which do not extend far from the plant. The stalk is identified as being woody and fibrous and gives off a weedy and piney smell. Hemp is one of the fastest growing plants and that is why its fibres are used within industries to create products such as animal feed, textiles and paper. It is a plant that requires minimal care and can grow to be quite large. This is why it is required that it is planted in large open spaces to give it room to expand. Hemp plants can also be grown in almost any climate and thrive without any special care such as being planted in a greenhouse or foliar sprays.

The Different Cannabis Strains For Hemp And Weed

Hemp and weed are both from the same Cannabaceae family. There is often a misconception that they are different species, but they are not. That is why hemp and weed are often both referred to as Cannabis. Now that we know hemp and weed come from the same species, cannabis, it is important to note that they are different strains of Cannabis. The three different strains of Cannabis are:

StrainChemovars (Chemical varieties)The effects of the strain
Indica (weed)Type 1: High THCIt produces a “high” and has anxiety-reducing and energising effects.
HybridType 2: THC/CBD combinedYou will feel happy, relaxed, energised and euphoric. This is a mixture of Indica and Sativa effects.
Sativa (hemp)Type 3: High CBDRelaxing, sedating and strong physical effects.

Differences In Hemp And Weed

Below is a table on how it affects you internally, and externally and what the main chemicals present are in these products when consumed.

Main ChemicalInternalExternal
WeedTHC stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinolThis is the chemical responsible for the psychoactive effectsEuphoriaLack of concentrationImpaired learning and memoryIt lowers your inhibitions Distort your sense of timeHeightens your sensesDistort your motor skills
HempCBD stands for Cannabidiol It is a chemical which can be harvested from Hemp and is responsible for creating a calming effect in the brain It is also used for pain managementRelieve autism symptomsReduce stressHelps with depressionImproves mood

Helps with inflammationDrowsinessLight-headed

What Is The Difference Between CBD And THC?

The main difference between CBD and THC is how they bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body. The strength of the bond is what produces the effects that we see after consumption. 

How Does CBD And THC Affect The Body?

CBD (Cannabidiol): CBD interacts with the receptors in the nervous system of the body and targets the pain receptors in the body. This is why people often turn to CBD rather than using pharmaceutical drugs to relieve certain symptoms. 

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol): When consuming THC, it goes through your bloodstream and onto the brain. In the brain, it binds with the CB1 and CB2 receptors and stimulates the part of the brain that is responsible for feelings of pleasure.

How Are CBD And THC Used Differently In Society?

In society, CBD is usually recommended to treat various ailments. It can be prescribed to treat epilepsy, anxiety, depression and as a pain reliever for chronic pain. Studies also show that it can be effective to treat people who have insomnia

THC is used differently in society than CBD. THC can activate the neurons in the brain which are responsible for thinking, memory and pleasure. THC is used in society for recreational purposes, often in social settings, but it can also be used for medical purposes such as managing chronic pain or PTSD.

In society, the use of CBD is more widely accepted, because it does not have a psychoactive effect. THC, on the other hand, has a psychoactive effect and is associated with decreased productivity, which doesn’t bode well in the high-paced society we live in. 

CBD and THC are both legal substances in South Africa to use. 

In South Africa, any product that contains less than or more than 0,3% of THC is legal to use in private enclosures. THC has become popular due to its psychoactive abilities and medicinal properties and over the years, many countries around the world have either loosened the strict laws on all things cannabis or removed the laws altogether. Each country has different laws about the buying, selling and distribution of products containing THC.

CBD containing products, on the other hand, can be purchased legally at local stores such as Vaperite. This means that it is legal to buy and sell any products which contain CBD. However, it is not legal to sell any product that contains more than 0,3% of THC as this may result in mind-altering effects on the user.

How Much Does The Cost Differ Between CBD And THC?

Because it is not legal to purchase THC containing products, it is difficult to accurately gauge the price differences between the two, however, for CBD there are different prices for different products and the amount of CBD it contains. For example, when you buy a CBD capsule, you will pay R1 to R3 per mg and if you buy CBD cartridges and vape juices you will pay up to R5 per mg. 


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