Are There Side Effects When Using CBD?

As unpleasant as side effects are, they are quite common, especially when you are using CBD for the first time. Some of the more common side effects of using CBD include, but are not limited to:

  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhoea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Drowsiness

Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth is often a result of consuming CBD and not hydrating. One of the main ingredients in e-liquid is vegetable glycerine (VG) or propylene glycol (PG), both these compounds leave the mouth dry. Drinking water while you vape CBD vape juice can go a long way in alleviating this particular side effect. Perpetually having dry mouth can negatively affect your oral health and lead to other oral health issues such as bad breath, cavities and gum disease.


This side effect is not very common, but it is not unusual. It is more commonly associated with nicotine containing vape juice than CBD vape juice. Research conducted by the University of California suggests that the reason why CBD e-liquid may cause diarrhoea is because of how one’s metabolism reacts to the by-products of e-liquid. 

The study suggests that people who have a lower tolerance for CBD have an inflammatory response to the by-products produced from vaping CBD. The best way to treat or alleviate this side effect is to use a different method of consumption. If having CBD edibles or vaping CBD leaves you feeling uncomfortable, then try lowering your CBD dose or use a topical cream.  

Reduced Appetite

Having changes in appetite due to CBD changes from person to person. Some people may experience an increase in appetite, while others experience a decrease or even no changes in appetite. The changes in appetite is largely dependent on an individual’s biology. Unlike THC, CBD does not have a direct effect on appetite. 

CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system, which is an important part of your central nervous system (CNS). Your CNS uses naturally occurring cannabinoid substances to send signals to other parts of your body. Therefore, the CBD you consume can inadvertently stimulate or suppress your endocannabinoid system, causing some changes in your appetite.


This side effect is far more complex than the others. CBD does not really cause fatigue. CBD is often used to alleviate pain as well as to manage symptoms that lead to insomnia, such as anxiety and stress. CBD doesn’t actually stimulate the sleep receptors in the body, rather, it reduces the causes of insomnia by stimulating the body to relax. 

Once the body has been relieved of all the stress, pain and anxiety, it recognizes how exhausted it truly is. Stress, anxiety and chronic pain are extremely taxing on the body, so once the body is no longer in this heightened and strung out state, it attempts to properly recover through peaceful sleep, an act that is often confused with fatigue.


One of the biggest causes for drowsiness from using CBD is overconsumption. Although not fatal, overconsumption can still be unpleasant, especially if you are not in a position to take a quick nap or sleep it off. Drowsiness is, however, a side effect which you must experience in order to know to identify your limit. Once the CBD makes its way though your system, the drowsiness will also begin to wear off.

The severity of these side effects depend on a number of factors including how often you use CBD, the method of consumption and your own physiology and biochemistry. You may not experience the same side effects to the same severity as the next person. Which is why it is so important to know how much you can and can’t handle. CBD consumption is all about personal preference and tolerance, knowing how much CBD you can consume will also help minimise and completely prevent the severity of those pesky side effects.

What Causes CBD Side Effects?

CBD side effects are often caused by either overconsumption, dehydration, or how your body reacts to CBD and its by-products. Side effects to using CBD can be easily overcome by incorporating a few simple habits when you eat, vape or smoke CBD. These habits include, drinking more water, managing your daily CBD dose or sticking to a method of consumption that limits unwanted side effects.

Drinking more water when you consume CBD will help you stay hydrated and maintain a good cardiac output, so you don’t risk lowering your blood pressure. Overconsumption, although unpleasant, is an important part of establishing your limit or even increasing your tolerance. Increasing your tolerance should be something you aim to do only if you wish to relieve chronic pain, or treat symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia in order to help the body reduce stress levels. 

Over time, the more CBD you use, the higher your tolerance will become. This is not a bad thing, but it will lead to you needing to increase your CBD dosage just to get the same therapeutic effect. Over time, this can become detrimental to your health and result in dependency.

Lastly, the type of side effects and their severity will depend on how your body reacts to CBD. The method of consumption is also very important in terms of how your body will have to break down CBD. CBD from edibles or tinctures gets broken down by the liver, while CBD from vaping is absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream. The method of consumption plays a vital role in if and how you would experience various side effects.

Why Should You Use CBD?

There are many benefits to using CBD. Whether you use it medically or recreationally, there are a number of reasons why many people prefer using CBD to treat various ailments over prescription medication. Some of the benefits of using CBD include:

  1. Treats symptoms of anxiety and depression
  2. Can improve mental health
  3. Treats some epileptic syndromes
  4. Reduces symptoms of PTSD
  5. Alleviates symptoms of insomnia
  6. Treats addiction to opioids
  7. Alleviates symptoms of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
  8. Reduces chronic pain symptoms
  9. Reduces risk of diabetic complications
  10. Can protect against Neurological diseases
  11. Reduces pain from arthritis

There are a couple of side effects that you may experience when using CBD, especially if you are a beginner or haven’t used CBD in a long time. However, these side effects are hardly ever severe and rarely constant. Implementing a few habits here and there can do wonders to completely eliminate these side effects and have you utterly enjoying your CBD experience, whether you are eating, vaping, smoking CBD or using CBD topical creams. 


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