CBD and Weight Loss – Does CBD help with weight loss?

Not another magic pill; the science behind CBD and weight loss 

It’s no wonder that CBD is popularly included in so many types of mainstream products today; from bath bombs to beverages, skin products to edibles; CBD (cannabidiol) seems to do just about everything. 

It’s well known for aiding insomnia and reducing anxiety, and recently it’s become a consideration to those who aim to lose weight.

Recent studies propose that CBD can affect the body’s natural chemistry, which can potentially aid you to shed unwanted weight easier. 

What is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC – the cannabinoid responsible for creating the classic marijuana high, CBD does not have any psychoactive effects and offer numerous health benefits.

It’s often used to treat anxiety, pain-relief  anti-acne, anti-seizure and can even alleviate cancer symptoms.

Its benefits don’t end there, however. 

CBD can be consumed in capsule form, oil, oil tinctures and even edibles.

CBD and weight loss – is there a connection?

There are two types of fats found in the human body: white fat and brown fat. 

White fat cells store and provide energy, while brown fat cells burn calories and generate heat. 

If you have a healthy body weight – you’ll have more brown fat cells. 

CBD supports weight loss by aiding in the conversion of white blood cells to brown blood cells. When you exercise, white fat cells are converted into brown fat cells; meaning you’re burning calories and losing weight. 

CBD has been shown to boost metabolism and reduce food intake by interacting with your body’s CB1 & CB2 receptors. These receptors form part of your body’s endocannabinoid system and are associated with metabolism and hunger. 

The bulk of CB2 receptors are found in the brain and central nervous system, while CB1 receptors are mostly found in the immune system. 

It’s been found that CB1 receptors become more widespread in cases with obesity – especially in fatty tissue. This has led researchers to believe that there may be a link between obesity and the activation of CB1 receptors.

CBD also interacts with other cannabinoids, potentially activating other receptors in the process, such as endocannabinoid and serotonin receptors. This could potentially play a role in weight loss and other critical metabolic functions. 

Ways in which CBD can help with weight loss

CBD and weight loss have been linked in both animal studies, and human studies with promising evidence. Its benefits to the immune system and metabolism are especially noted.

What does the research say?

  • Reduces appetite
  • Turns bad fat into good fat
  • Reduces risk of metabolic disorders

Reduces appetite

A study from 2016 posted in the scientific journal of molecular and cellular biochemistry  indicated that CBD does indeed have a direct effect on our metabolism. 

While most people associate cannabis with stimulating your appetite, some advocates believe that CBD can help a person lose weight by reducing their appetite. 

Increased appetite is an effect of THC, the other main cannabinoid in cannabis. THC stimulates your CB1 receptors – causing your body to release a hormone that increases food intake. A 2018 study noted that CBD can aid in reducing the appetite and ultimately controlling obesity. CBD plays a role as a CB1 Receptor antagonist – blocking off or ‘deactivating’ the receptor. 

The study also noted that through stimulating the CB2 receptors, you could decrease inflammation and reduce food intake, which aids with obesity. 

Turns bad fat into good fat

One of the greatest benefits of CBD and weight loss is that CBD promotes the “browning” of fat cells. 

As white fat cells are responsible for preserving energy and brown fat cells are responsible to burn energy. CBD aids by not letting white fat cells build up, and helps with burning fat altogether. 

To the authors’ surprise, while carefully monitoring the effects of CBD on immature fat cells (preadipocytes) they found that it doesn’t have one, but three ways of affecting “fat browning”.

A recent study done by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey tested over 2,500 people of which 579 were currently using CBD and 1975 has used it in the past. 

Multivariable-adjusted models indicated that current CBD use was associated with 16% lower fasting insulin levels and 17% lower HOMAIR in.

Reduces risk of metabolic disorders

A 2018 research closely links obesity to a few metabolic disorders, namely:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol

How to properly use CBD for weight loss

While CBD does not automatically shed kilo’s off your body, it may aid in weight loss by how it impacts your brain and body. 

A boosted metabolism and a reduced food intake will surely amount to something that is sustainable. 

Did you know that CBD interacts with fat cells? Below, you’ll find out why this is important. 

CBD-healthy tips

Combining CBD with a healthy diet and a regular exercise regime will be even more beneficial for weight loss. 

Your body fat percentage can affect how CBD interacts with your body, however, since CBD is attracted to fat cells. This could hinder absorption of CBD into the bloodstream and, as such, having a higher body fat percentage could mean that the same dose would impact you less than someone of a lower body fat percentage. This hasn’t been extensively studied, but can give you a guideline on dosage. 

25 mg of CBD is recommended as the average dose for wellbeing. Some people start with as low as 15–20 mg per day, and can range upwards of 40 mg per day. 

CBD and weight loss: Pros & Cons


  • Little to no side effects
  • Widely available
  • Easy to incorporate into daily routine


  • Limited research
  • Doesn’t cause weight loss on its own
  • Can be costly

Best CBD products for losing weight

There is no scientifically proven CBD product that works better for weight loss than others (or at all) as it doesn’t directly cause you to lose weight, but rather supports the effort by the ways it affects the brain and body. 

As long as you ingest the right dosage of CBD per day without the extra calories that may come with certain edible CBD products, you should be on the right track. 

Here are some well-reputed CBD products that may aid in weight loss:

Since research on this topic is still ongoing, CBD should not replace any current weight-loss products and has not been replicated enough in humans to confirm its weight-loss properties. 


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