Things To Do When You’re Alone And High

There is never a dull moment when you are high. It is an activity that can be enjoyed with a group of friends or by yourself. And so, it is not unusual to find yourself alone and high. Although there are a bunch of activities you can do by yourself while stoned, boredom can strike at any moment, and being bored and high can be an unpleasant experience.  

Here are 10 things to do when you are alone and high: 

  1. Let The Creativity Overflow 

There are some cannabis strains that are known to increase creativity in the user. These are usually cannabis sativa strains and when consumed can make you even more creative. If you are into creative writing, a smoking session before you begin will have you thinking more creatively. 

You could also apply the same principle to painting, where being high and alone can help with letting your creative juices flow from the pallet to the canvas. You can also listen to good music while appreciating the sounds of instruments you never heard before in the song. For optimal listening pleasure, plug in some earphones. 

  1. Concentrate 

When you are high, you can experience increased focus. This is perfect for concentrating on something you need to get done. From completing your work to cleaning your home, these are often activities done alone, so if you happen to find yourself elevated, try focusing on the task at hand.

  1. Be Active 

When high, there is a burst of energy that accompanies the cannabis strain you are consuming. You can do some exercises, do a workout, or even meditate. Being high and active is common with some athletes as well. You can greatly benefit from a mind and body workout when you are alone and high.  

  1. Play Video Games 

The rules are simple: 

  • Get high
  • Have your favourite food delivered
  • Set up the gaming console or PC
  • Clock that game

Playing video games is a fun activity for those who enjoy being alone and if you happen to be high as well, prepare for the most invigorating gaming sessions of your life.  

  1. Watch A Film or Series 

With a wide variety of streaming options, you can watch the latest releases, finally watch that series that has been on your “to watch” list for well over a year, or even binge-watch a classic series for the 99th time. That is all you need to keep you company when you are high and alone. Try cannabis indica strains to allow yourself to be taken into the fictional world of what you are watching. 

  1. Put Your Chef’s Hat On 

Cook up a storm with inspirations from the food and lifestyle programmes you enjoy watching. This can be a pleasurable experience when you are alone and high, as you can experiment with new cooking techniques and taste profiles. This will also help with the hunger you experience when high. Activate your inner Siba Mtongana and create something delicious for yourself.

  1. Explore Your City 

This is an interesting activity to do when you are high and find yourself in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There is nothing like strolling in a park by yourself as you finish your smoke session, or taking in the magnificent views of humanity from atop a hill or lookout point. 

See what is on offer in your city, the restaurants with picture-worthy food or even a coffee shop with the perfect vibe that will uplift you even further. If your city has cool, scenic hiking trails, take an active approach depending on the cannabis strain you are consuming

  1. Read A Book 

Get lost in the world of fictional characters that can transport you to any era by the imagination. Cannabis strains are known for their euphoric effects and can help you visualise what you are reading. 

There are plenty of authors that cover various genres, you will be sure to find something that will have you turning every page with anticipation. With a sharp increase in audiobooks and podcasts, here are top 10 cannabis podcasts to listen to if picking up a book is just not for you. 

  1. Go To A Spa 

There is nothing like treating yourself when you are alone. These are, after all, decisions we make when we are by ourselves. If you are high and want to do something purely for yourself,  relax in the sauna and get pampered with massages and treatments for a well deserved me time. 

Treating yourself to some much deserved self-care is the most rewarding experience you can do for yourself, and what better feeling than doing it while high on your favourite cannabis strain?   

  1. Have That Second Session

Smoke some more! This is definitely an option you can consider if you are all by yourself and high. After completing an activity or binging your favourites, you can consume more cannabis. Cannabis highs usually last 2 hours when consumed via joints, pipes, or bongs, so after a creative session or trip around town, you can have that second smoke session to elevate yourself once again. If you’re at home, you can hotbox your room or bathroom for another smoking experience. 

Enjoy Responsibly And Safely

No matter what you decide to do, you can enjoy being high safely and responsibly. There are some highs that are known to make you paranoid or lethargic. These feelings often take place when alone. And since South African cannabis laws only permit personal consumption, you can avoid these effects of cannabis by making your environment more positive by playing music and having a positive attitude.

Knowing your limits will go a long way in guaranteeing a pleasant experience. Know your limits and consume just enough cannabis to get you in your sweet spot, instead of being couch ridden with deep thoughts. 

Whatever road you take, you can do pretty much anything when you are alone and high. Take advantage of what your city has to offer and experience parts of yourself you never knew existed. And if you want to take it up a notch, there is no shame in a second smoke session. It is your decision, after all.

Things To Do When You’re Alone And High

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