How To Pack A Pipe – A Quick Guide For New Pipe Smokers

Pipe smoking has been around for centuries and is still a common practice. The aim of pipe smoking is not to inhale but rather to taste the smoke of the herbs you choose to burn. Correctly packing a pipe can be a steep learning curve especially for beginners. An incorrectly packed pipe often results in a disappointing smoking experience. Here are some tips on how to pack your pipe properly and have an optimal experience each time.

Materials you need to pack a pipe

Unlike other smoking devices, not much is needed to start packing your pipe. Listed below are the only things you need: 

  • Your pipe
  • Pipe cleaner
  • Desired herb (tobacco or cannabis)
  • A tamper
  • Matches or a lighter

A step-by-step guide to pack a pipe properly

There are many methods you can use to pack a pipe properly. The method described below is not the only one you can use. 

  1. Clean the pipe

It is important to clear out any obstructions by cleaning out your pipe with a pipe cleaner after every use. Gently blow through the stem to make sure that the pipe is free of ash and throw out any dottle left from your last smoke. 

  1. Prepare your herb

Prepare whatever herb you will be using in your pipe. Whether it is tobacco or cannabis, lay it out on a flat surface and gently pick the clumps apart. If you are using tobacco, take note of the moisture content. If it is too moist, leave it out on the table for a few minutes to dry out. This makes it easier to pack into your pipe.

  1. Lightly fill the pipe with the herbs

While holding your pipe, gently trickle strands of your desired herb into the bowl of the pipe until it is full. It is important to fight the urge to push the herbs down with your thumb while filling the pipe. If you are using tobacco, do not pinch loose tobacco while filling the bowl, this will cause the clumps you took apart in the previous step to reform. 

  1. Gently compress the herbs with your tamper

There are two ways to tamp your herbs depending on the design of your pipe. If the bowl of your pipe has straight sides, you need to tamp gently until the bowl is half full of herbs. If your pipe has a tapered bowl, gently tamp until the bowl is â…” full. 

  1. Take a test draw

Gently draw on the pipe, this draw should feel easy without any resistance. If you feel resistance, you will have to dump out the herbs and start all over.

  1. Fill the bowl of your pipe with more herbs

At this point, your bowl should be ½ full (for straight-sided bowls) or  â…” full (for tapered bowls). Trickle more strands of your herb into the bowl until it is slightly overflowing.

  1. Compress the herbs again using your tamper

After you have gently compressed the herbs, straight-sided bowls should now be ¾ full. In tapered bowls, herbs should be level with the bowl. If you are using tobacco, you will need to tamp with a bit more force compared to the last time. The tobacco in the bowl needs to feel springy, not tightly compact.

  1. Take another test draw

For this draw there should be a little resistance, however, if you struggle to draw on the pipe, you will have to dump out the bowl and start over.

  1. Trickle a bit more herb into the pipe

Fill the bowl until a mound of herb forms from above the rim of the bowl.

  1. Tamper one last time

You will need to be fairly forceful this time around but not too forceful. Make sure the herb is level with the rim of the bowl. The herbs should still feel somewhat springy.

  1. Take one last test draw

The resistance this time around should feel like using a straw to drink a milkshake. If the resistance is higher than that, you will have to start over.

If you have followed the steps above properly, your pipe is packed correctly and you are halfway to a great smoking experience. 

How to correctly light a pipe

How to pack a pipe - Vaperite South Africa

Although it seems absurd there is a correct way to light your pipe. It is not as simple as lighting the herbs. A common mistake among beginners is that they do not False light and tamp down, they simply jump straight into smoking. This significantly impacts the entire experience. If you want to simply enjoy the experience with minimal relighting, then there is a technique that you can use to better your experience.

  1. False light

The purpose of false light is to get rid of any extra moisture, especially from tobacco, and create a surface to light evenly. To false light, light a match and move it around in a circle over the surface of the tobacco. It’s important to take a few short puffs on the pipe while false lighting. False lighting helps balance the moisture and density of the tobacco.

  1. Tamp down again

Let the false lighting cool down and tamper down the herbs again. Tamper with a light touch moving in a circular motion. The objective here is to level out the bowl, tamping too hard will ruin all the work you have done and produce a subpar experience.

  1. Relight and smoke

Light a match and move it over the tobacco in a circular motion, across the entire surface. It is important to do this while taking a few short puffs on the pipe, the tobacco should remain slightly lit. Now you can sit back and relax with your pipe, enjoying the ultimate smoking experience.

If you have correctly followed all of the steps above, you are in for a great experience. Keep in mind that it does take some time to master the technique of pipe packing and lighting. Practice makes perfect, so keep trying over and over again until it becomes second nature to you. Don’t worry too much about relighting as you smoke, it happens. Relighting multiple times does not mean you did something wrong.

What makes a good cannabis pipe?

Good cannabis pipes - Vaperite - Cannarite SA

The look and feel of a pipe is not the only thing to consider when choosing a cannabis pipe. You also have to consider its functionality. The design and size of the bowl as well as the shape and length of the pipe all factor into the overall experience. 

Cannabis pipes are made from various materials but the most durable ones are made from brown glass. It is important for you to choose a pipe that is easy to clean and is appropriate for your level of smoking. Regularly cleaning your pipe can go a long way in ensuring it is always working optimally.  

Product recommendation

Pipe smoking is a fun and easy way to smoke on the move. Whether you are using tobacco or cannabis, a great experience awaits you. If you are unsure of how to start, we’ve linked a few products below that we recommend you try using.

All of these great devices and more are available at Vaperite, South Africa’s leading vape shop and cannabis paraphernalia outlet chain.

How to pack a pipe - Vaperite SA

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