How To Get Rid Of Being High?

There are quite a few remedies for calming down a hectic high with help from common household foods, drinks and other activities. There are various reasons why one would want to fight the effects of being high. The reasons range from feeling uncomfortable, to having an important social or professional meeting, or needing to finish a project that requires immediate focus.

We will discuss all the home remedies you can try to get rid of a high. For some people, these tips might work faster than others, due to various factors such as your biochemistry, how much weed you took, what products you consumed and how tolerant you are to specific cannabinoids. But first, it is necessary to know what being high exactly is.

What Is Being/Getting High?

Being high is a term commonly used when a person experiences the euphoric effects of using weed. To get high you need to inhale, smoke, vape, drink or eat cannabis products that contain the cannabinoid THC. The most common way you can become high is by eating, smoking or vaping weed. The cannabinoid compound will then be absorbed into your bloodstream. 

After being absorbed by your body, you will begin to exhibit the various euphoric effects of cannabis. That is why experiencing a high is an experience many people strive to achieve. However, getting stoned does not last forever, and you will need to use cannabis products again, to experience the effects of getting high.

Here are some of the other effects you will experience when you get stoned:

  • Sensitivity to your senses such as hearing or smelling
  • Be in a relaxed state
  • You are easily amused
  • You will get bursts of giggles
  • You might experience unfavourable effects such as anxiousness or panic

How To Stop Being High?

The following remedies will help you combat the effects of being too high:


  • Black pepper
  • Lemon
  • Pine nuts
  • Try a dose of CBD
  • Take ibuprofen


  • Drink water
  • Tea
  • Juice


  • Shift your focus
  • Go for a walk outdoors 
  • Take a shower
  • Go to sleep
  • Breathing exercises


Being high is a biochemical process. Naturally, there are foods that you can eat to counteract the effects of feeling high. Statistics have shown that these are the most effective foods to help you to sober up from weed.

Black Peppercorns

A household ingredient that almost everyone has in their kitchen. Chewing on some peppercorns or even just taking a sniff will provide you with some relief. The Caryophyllene present inside black peppercorns is a potent CB3 receptor rival and helps fight the effects THC has on your mind and body.


Citrus fruits, such as lemons, have a terpene called limonene which can help reduce anxiety. By smelling the scent of lemons, eating a slice or drinking it with some water, it can counteract the receptors in your brain that causes you to feel stoned.

Pine Nuts

Within pine nuts, there is a terpene called pinene which helps with memory formation and clarity. The neurotransmitters that allow you to think clearly and focus are released in your brain when you eat pine nuts. 

Take note, that if you are allergic to nuts, do not attempt this remedy.

Try A Dose Of CBD

You can balance out the THC within your body by consuming CBD. CBD or cannabidiol counteracts the effects of THC, and has shown signs of reducing the feelings of anxiousness and panic that weed causes. 

This is because CBD activates the same CB receptors that THC targets, the difference being that CBD has no psychoactive effects. CBD can also block the receptors that come from TCB and prevent them from activating.

Take Ibuprofen

Studies have shown, if you take ibuprofen, you can counteract the effect of being high. Remember to eat something and take your ibuprofen with some water, and it can help you reduce the symptoms of being high and remove the negative effects it has on your cognitive functions.


There are some liquids that can work wonders in helping you calm your high down, but some should be avoided, such as coffee or alcoholic beverages. Here are the liquids we advise you to take.

Drink Water

The best liquid you can drink to help with your high is plain water. When taking any substance, it is advised to take a glass of water before the time or even small sips of water while you are using the substance. 

Using weed can result in you having a dry mouth called xerostomia and can make you feel worse while being high. This is why having a glass of water nearby is a good idea.


Drinking tea will assist in helping you overcome your high. It is advised to drink teas such as rooibos, chamomile and peppermint tea that do not contain caffeine. This is because caffeine will just intensify your high rather than relieve it.


Some people prefer to drink juice to help them sober up from a high. Orange juice is a great choice to go for, but any juice that contains traces of mango should be avoided as this will only intensify your high.


Besides taking remedies that you can drink or eat, there are also some relaxing activities you can do to help you calm down.

Shift Your Focus

By finding something else to concentrate on instead of the mood you are in and the emotions you are feeling, you can put your full concentration on a different task. Some other ideas include:

  • Playing a video game
  • Watching a movie
  • Listening to music
  • Reading a book

Go For A Walk Outdoors

Taking a walk and getting some fresh air outside is a great idea, even if it is just for a few minutes. You can also take your pet for a walk and share some cuddles afterwards. Statistics have shown that spending time with animals can have healing effects on the body, such as reducing anxiety.

Take A Shower

Taking a shower, especially a cold one, will not immediately put you out of your high, but it will help shock you back to reality. Usually, when people use weed, their heart rates will increase, but studies have shown that being drenched in cold water will help lower your heart rate.

Go To Sleep

Getting a good night’s rest, or just a quick nap, will help wear off the effects of your high. It might be difficult to fall asleep when you experience unpleasant effects from being high, such as being stressed and overwhelmed. It is advised to first calm yourself down with one of these other methods and then sleep off your high.

Breathing Exercises

There are different breathing exercises that are designed to calm you down. These exercises can be useful in calming down a high. Some breathing exercises include:

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises

  • Lay down and put one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen
  • Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds and hold your breath for 2 seconds
  • Feel your abdomen expand
  • Exhale through your mouth for 6 seconds

4-7-8 breathing exercises

  • Empty your lungs of any air
  • Breathe in for 4 seconds
  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds
  • Forcefully exhale and make a “whoosh” sound for 8 seconds

Breath focus technique

  • Close your eyes and take a few big breaths
  • Afterwards, think up a word or phrase in your mind to calm you down, e.g.: “I am calm, tension is leaving my body”
  • Repeat this phrase every time you breathe out
  • Do this for 10 to 20 minutes

How Long Does It Take For A High To Completely Go Away?

Relieving a high depends on a range of factors. Ten minutes after you have used a cannabis product, you will start to experience its effects. If you are a regular weed user, you will be able to feel high fairly quickly and if you consume weed in an edible form, you will feel high for about 2 to 10 hours. 

Being high can affect you longer if you consume certain foods and drinks. If you do not want your high to last too long, you need to avoid these foods and drinks. Some examples include coffee, mangoes and chocolate. It also depends on factors like your tolerance to weed, biochemical processes and how much tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) you have consumed. 

Nevertheless, battling the effects of being high will not be difficult if you have followed our useful tips to get rid of being too high.


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