How Much CBD Oil Should I Take For Pain?

When consuming CBD oil orally, it is advised that you take 2.5 mg to 20 mg per dosage. However, since everyone does not have the same tolerance for pain and CBD, accurately advising a dosage for pain is exceptionally difficult. How much CBD oil you need depends on a variety of factors, including your individual needs, as well as the brand and quality of CBD oil you buy.

You must do your research on different types of CBD oil and the experience of people who have used those products. The effectiveness the product claims to have, must be seen in the customer reviews. Talking to your doctor about your decision to take CBD oil for pain relief is a smart idea because you can decide together what will work best for you.

How To Find The Right Amount Of CBD Oil To Treat Pain

When you want to find the right amount of CBD oil to help with pain relief, you may take these factors into consideration when determining your dosage:

Your weightIt is known that those with a bigger body mass require more CBD oil to be effective than those with a lower body mass. It is advised to start with 1 mg to 6 mg per pound of body weight (1 pound = 0.45 kg).
The concentration of CBDNot all CBD oils have the same concentration of CBD. This information is often available on the label of your CBD oil container. It is essential to calculate how much CBD you will consume with each drop of CBD oil to determine your dosage.
Product bioavailabilityThe amount of CBD taken into your bloodstream is referred to as bioavailability. This amount varies per product and can influence the dosage you need to take.
MetabolismSome people have faster metabolisms than others. This implies that CBD will be processed considerably faster than if your metabolism were slower. A higher dosage is recommended for a slower metabolism if needed.
The severity of the conditionCBD oil is not used by everyone to treat the same level of pain. The amount of CBD oil you consume will be determined by the intensity of your pain symptoms.
Additional medicationsIf you are already taking medicine for pain or another condition, it may affect the efficacy of the CBD oil you use. These medications can prevent CBD oil from working efficiently to treat your pain. These considerations should be discussed with the doctor who provided your prescription.

Too Much CBD Oil?

There is no need to be concerned if you have used too much CBD oil, it is not fatal. A study published in 2011 found that individuals can tolerate up to 1500 mg of CBD oil per day. However, if you consume too much CBD oil at once, you may have certain side effects. Some of these side effects include:

  • A loss in appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhoea
  • Changes in your weight

Lowering your CBD oil dosage is the most effective method to avoid these negative effects. We understand that it may be tempting to use larger doses of CBD oil when suffering from severe pain, but it is better to use a smaller amount to manage your pain symptoms.

The Science Behind Using CBD Oil For Pain Relief

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a cell signalling system found in the human body. It is in charge of controlling crucial processes, such as your mood, sleep, and appetite. It is important to remember that this system is always present in the body and is not triggered by the cannabinoid, CBD. But when someone consumes CBD oil, their endocannabinoid system is affected. The cannabinoid THC, which is also present in cannabis, has different effects compared to CBD.

Some claim that CBD actually stops the breakdown of endocannabinoids. This implies that endocannabinoids will affect the body more and aid in treating problems like chronic pain. Others think that for CBD to act, it must attach to a receptor inside the endocannabinoid system, although this receptor has not yet been identified. Even though there is still much to learn about CBD, we do know that it has the potential to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of pain.

The Types Of Pain CBD Oil Can Help Relieve

CBD oil has been shown to be useful in the treatment of pain symptoms in a variety of conditions. This was demonstrated by doing several experiments with CBD oil through the years. Here are some of the different types of pain that CBD oil has shown to help with:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Cancer Pain
  • Arthritis Pain
  • Migraine Pain
  • Multiple Sclerosis Pain

Chronic Pain

Studies have shown that CBD oil can be used to reduce chronic pain in adults. In one study, it was found that patients did not build a tolerance against CBD oil treatment, so there was no reason to increase the dosage. This finding has the potential to assist many people deal with chronic pain in the future.

Cancer Pain

Research done on mice has shown that CBD can shrink the size of a cancerous tumour, but not enough studies have been done to prove this is true for humans. However, people undergoing chemotherapy have reported that CBD oil made them feel less nauseous and increased their appetite. It also leads to less pain being experienced.

Arthritis Pain

CBD oil has shown promising effects in lowering inflammation, implying that it will be useful for patients suffering from arthritis. In 2016, studies on rats found that CBD decreased pain and swelling in animals suffering from arthritis. They were given 6,2 mg per day and showed improvement, but when their dosage was increased, they did not suffer less pain than with 6,3 mg dosages.

Migraine Pain

The research on CBD oil for migraines has been limited, although it has been claimed that CBD oil does help relieve migraine pain, especially when combined with THC. The same has been said of people who suffer from cluster headaches.

Multiple Sclerosis Pain

This is an autoimmune disorder that affects all the nerves in the body, causing pain throughout the body as well as causing muscular spasms. Using CBD oil for such severe pain management of Multiple Sclerosis has demonstrated excellent results over a short period of time, with patients reporting considerable pain reduction.

Vaping CBD For Pain Relief

CBD intake through vaping has proven to have beneficial effects. Vaping CBD has a very high bioavailability that can reach up to 56%. This means that vaping will quickly start to reduce pain symptoms.

CBD can be vaped directly from the Cannabis or Hemp plant in a dry herb vaporizer, or it can be vaped in an e-liquid inside a vape pen. Although using a vape device is not as discreet as using CBD oil, it is a significantly more effective way to relieve pain symptoms than CBD capsules or creams. Not only is vaping CBD useful for pain relief, but it is also a calming effect. It can help you take your mind off the pain and enjoy the experience.

Please note that this article is completely subjective and should not be taken as a medical prescription or diagnosis. Tolerance to pain and tolerance to CBD is dependent on personal experience. 


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