CBD And Pregnancy – Cannabis Do’s And Don’ts

As much as CBD helps many users in their everyday well-being, there are some instances where Cannabis should not be used. For instance, it is not recommended to use CBD products during pregnancy. Using CBD or cannabis while pregnant can lead to adverse effects for both the mother and developing foetus.

Is It Safe To Use CBD During Pregnancy?

Due to limited research in the field, there is very little information available about the use of CBD during pregnancy. However, some research has determined that using CBD during pregnancy could lead to problems with the development of the placenta. It may also lead to pre-eclampsia, which leads to high blood pressure, kidney damage, and overall damage to organs, which can be fatal.

Some unregulated CBD products can contain traces of heavy metals, mould, pesticides, or bacteria, all of which have been proven to be harmful to a developing foetus. Using cannabis can also interfere with medications you are taking, further harming your own system as well as your baby’s.

If you reached for a CBD infused soda before you knew you were pregnant, there is no need to worry. Most studies conducted about pregnancy and marijuana have mostly contained women who were continuous users.

Can Cannabis Help My Early Pregnancy Nausea?

Some women believe that using marijuana can help to reduce nausea and vomiting during the early stages of pregnancy. However, there is no research backing this claim, and using marijuana is more likely to worsen your nausea and lead to vomiting.

Additionally, the early stages of pregnancy are crucial to the development of the foetus, so you should especially not be taking any risks during this period. It is a better idea to consult a healthcare provider on which medications are safe to treat nausea and vomiting.

What Will Happen To My Baby If I Use Cannabis While Pregnant?

When using cannabis, all the chemicals will move through the placenta and to the developing baby. Although there is little research on this topic, it has been suggested that using cannabis during pregnancy can cause:

  • Your water to break much earlier
  • The placenta to grow too close to your uterine opening (placenta previa)
  • Pregnancy infections
  • A stunt in foetal development

Using marijuana during your pregnancy may cause your baby to have a very low birth weight, your baby may be born prematurely, and could be at risk to deliver a stillborn. Cannabis used during pregnancy can also stunt the development of your baby’s brain, leading to memory problems, behavioural issues, and attention problems as your baby grows older. 

We do not know if the same applies to CBD products, but since these products also contain trace amounts of THC, it is better to be safe than sorry.

What If I Am In The Proximity Of Someone Who Smokes Marijuana?

We do not have much information on this topic, but breathing in second-hand smoke may be harmful to your pregnancy, as it has the potential to cause the same issues as smoking marijuana yourself.

If I Am Using Marijuana For Health Reasons, Can I Continue Use During Pregnancy?

Medical marijuana will have the same effects on your pregnancy as recreational marijuana. If you use marijuana for medicinal purposes, you should consult a healthcare professional for other options. There will most likely be other medications that are much less likely to cause harm to your pregnancy.

To ensure the safety of your baby and yourself, you should stop using marijuana immediately when you realise that you are pregnant. Marijuana can pose a threat to the baby within the first few weeks of pregnancy, so it is best to quit as soon as you know you are pregnant. 

If you are living in an area where the use of marijuana is illegal, and you or your baby test positive for marijuana, you will most likely receive a call from Child Protective Services. You could be charged and have your child taken away from you. You should also note that THC can be found in your system for up to three months after ending use, so stop as soon as possible.

Can I Use Marijuana While Breastfeeding?

Yet again, we do not have much information on how marijuana interacts with breastfeeding. However, THC and CBD can move through breast milk into your baby, causing a stunt in brain development. As we know that substances ingested can reach the baby’s system through the mother, it is best not to use any cannabis products while you are breastfeeding.

Using cannabis during breastfeeding can also cause you to feel extra drowsy (which you will already be experiencing due to new parenthood). This could also result in negligent behaviour when caring for your baby.

The Effects Of Marijuana On Your Baby’s Health

Here are the effects of CBD and THC on you and your baby’s health:

Affected Bodily SystemEffects On The System
BrainInhibits the development of memory, coordination, and attentionWill cause the child to learn slower
HeartBlood pressure in the mother goes upCould lead to early labourIncreased chance of heart attack and stroke during pregnancyCould cause pre-eclampsia
MentalityIn accordance with pregnancy hormones, marijuana could lead to confusion and increased levels of anxiety
Injury Elevated hormones during pregnancy can increase the dizzying effects of marijuanaCould cause increased sleepinessCan lead to injuries, such as falling, which could hurt the foetus and mother 
Foetal DevelopmentLow birth weight and sizeA stunt in many aspects of foetal growthPlacenta can grow too close to the uterine opening, resulting in a difficult pregnancy/delivery and reduced foetal development

What Can I Use In The Place Of Cannabis And CBD While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, your body serves as a warm and nurturing space for your baby to develop. Unfortunately, this also comes with a list of uncomfortable symptoms you may experience. With surging hormones and having your body host a baby can result in nausea, moodiness, insomnia, and anxiety. Luckily, there are some ways to alleviate your symptoms without using cannabis or related products.


Cannabis is known to give you the munchies, but during pregnancy, many women find it difficult to even think of something they can stomach anyway. This would only increase the discomfort.

Instead, try opting for smaller snacks and meals more often, as an empty stomach is actually the reason you will feel nauseous. Even if you have to get up for a midnight snack (which is honestly a good possibility due to the insomnia), you should make sure that your stomach never reaches the point where it is completely empty. 

Try some plain crackers or soup and keep something to munch on in your room. Fried and spicy foods can further upset your stomach, so try to manage those cravings by eating a healthier alternative. If you do not find these methods to work, you can always ask your doctor for some medication that is safe to use during pregnancy. 


Warm milk, massages, and bubble baths are a common practice among pregnant women who desperately want to get some sleep. If these methods do not work for you, you can talk to your healthcare provider about medications that are safe to take during your pregnancy.

It is important to stay away from regular sleep aids, even if they are natural, such as natural supplements or herbal teas. Be sure to consult a professional on pregnancy before you try anything.

Anxiety, Depression, And Mood Swings

Moodiness, crying fits, and irrational fears are a common occurrence during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that your hormones are surging, your body is changing, and your sleep schedule is non-existent. All of these factors combined can make you feel stressed, worried, or down.

Therapy is an excellent option for expecting mothers. This way, you can make sure that you are taking care of yourself, which can help to alleviate your feelings. Once again, do not take any medications until your doctor gives you the go ahead.

CBD and cannabis have many health benefits, but it is not recommended to use these products during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Using CBD or cannabis during these stages could harm you and your baby, so rather talk to a healthcare professional about alternative options to ensure the safety of you and your baby. 


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