What Is A Hot Box And How To Do It?

Have you ever been in a hot box where the smoke is so thick that you cannot even see the other people that you are having a session with, even if they are a few metres away from you? Whether you are in your car, or a small room, hot boxing is a classic stoner pastime many people have done and will probably do again, alone or with friends. 

What Is A Hot Box?

The art of hot boxing is when you are in an enclosed space and smoke so much that the smoke lingers all around you, and you keep breathing in the second-hand smoke. This is a fun way of getting high by yourself or with friends in spaces you would otherwise have good ventilation in. The visual of the smoke hanging in the air is a cool experience for anyone looking to get elevated with some mellow vibes. 

There are many spaces that can be hot boxed using various smoking methods, however, these are the common spaces where people usually get their smoke up:

  • Cars
  • Small rooms
  • Bathrooms

Before we dive into how to achieve a successful hot box, it is important to note how hot boxing can affect your body and the way you feel. 

The Science Of Hot Boxing

The perfect setting for a hot box is to be in an enclosed environment. This is fairly achievable by blocking the ventilation in a room or car by closing the windows or covering the spaces where air can either enter or smoke can escape. 

With a joint, blunt, vape or pipe, any of these smoking methods will give off smoke when cannabis is combusted. And in a closed off environment, the smoke will build up and hang in the air the more you smoke. Depending on the size of the space you are hot boxing, your body will start having reactions to the environment you have suddenly created. 

The bodily effects of hot boxing are contributed to the THC that is entering your system, and the smoke that fills up the space. It is possible for someone who is in the hot box and not smoking to inhale the second-hand smoke and feel the effects of THC in their system. As for how high you will be, it is dependent on the individual and if they have smoked before. 

One of the things to consider regarding a hot box – especially if you are in a nice small area, that is sealed off with little to no ventilation – is that every hit you take and release into the room, leaves you with less oxygen to work with over time. If you are feeling “extra high” you might just be a little light-headed because every breath you take has less oxygen and more THC.  

Hot Boxing Like A Pro

Epic smoke sessions often come from being with friends. Hot Boxing can be a cool challenge you can have with your friends to see who lasts the longest in the hot box. As we mentioned before, you can hot box various spaces, but the most common spaces are rooms/dressing rooms, cars, and bathrooms – the smaller the space the better. Achieving a hot box is fairly easy with these simple tricks.

How To Hot Box In A Car 

Safety note: it is recommended to not bring your keys into the car because the last thing you want to do is cruise around in a smoked up car smelling like cannabis, seeing the world with bloodshot squinted eyes, and run the risk of breaking road laws and being pulled over. If you do this, you can hurt yourself or hurt someone else. Now, gather your friends, roll a fatty, and get into a car. 

When hot boxing in a car, location is key. You want to find a discreet spot where you can park your car and light one, or two, up. As the smoke gathers in the car, it will become increasingly obvious that you are smoking in the car and depending on ventilation, the earthy smell of cannabis can escape and catch the nose of someone outside. So, the perfect spot for an uninterrupted session could be your driveway or a car park with a great view. 

Hot boxing is an act of inclusion, one could even say it is a team effort because the more people taking hits and blowing out smoke, the faster you will end up hot boxing your car. You will also have more fun hot boxing with friends. 

Now that you are in your car with your buddies at a discreet and hopefully visually appealing spot, all you have to do is close the car doors, roll up the windows and light the cannabis to begin hot boxing. The car will fill up with second hand smoke fairly quickly until you cannot see out the windows. 

How To Hot Box A Room 

The primary challenge of hot boxing a room is to seal the room to not let the cannabis smoke escape through any cracks of doors or windows. Rooms are much bigger than cars, depending on if you are hot boxing a bedroom or a dressing room, the idea for a successful hot box in a room is to cover the cracks where smoke can escape from the space. 

This is easily achievable with the use of towels or tape. You can use towels to cover the crack beneath the room door by rolling them up lengthwise, or you can use tape to cover the ventilation holes. If the room has windows, simply close them. 

The process is the same as hot boxing a car – combust the cannabis to generate cannabis smoke in the area. The more hits you take, the more smoke will fill up the space. Hot boxing a room is seen more as a solitary act, so be cognisant of what you are covering and sealing with tape. Have an ashtray in the room to dispose of any hot ash from a joint or blunt to avoid a breakout of fire, safety first! 

How To Hot Box A Bathroom 

Did you know you can hot box without leaving smells behind you? You can hot box a bathroom without it smelling by following these pro-tips: 

  • Roll a towel length wise to cover the crack beneath the bathroom door.
  • Turn on the shower at full heat and at full blast.
  • Sit on a towel laid on the floor and wait as the bathroom will fill up with steam from the shower.
  • Once you have enough, light the cannabis to begin hot boxing the bathroom.

The smoke from the cannabis will mix with the steam from the shower, which will dilute the odour of the cannabis. After you have done hot boxing, you can shower or put it off and then open a window to let the steam out. You can spray the room with deodorant, but it would not be necessary as the smell will be non-existent. 

A Fun, Intense Experience

There are many reasons why people hot box. Some people think, and it might work for them, that hot boxing will make for a more intense high experience. This could be because of the lack of oxygen you are breathing in when you are in a hot box that can make you feel extra high. 

Others hot box with friends because it is a favourite pastime of theirs, and can be seen as an unofficial rite of passage of being a cannabis user. The visual of having a session with friends, smoking up a space, can look nice and provide some memorable moments as some make it a game to see who can stay in the hot box the longest. All in all, hot boxing is an experience all cannabis users have heard of and want to try out.


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