How Much Nicotine Is In A Cigarette Compared To Vaping?

Nicotine is one of the least harmful substances found within cigarettes, especially when compared to all the other dangerous toxins found in them. When consumed through methods such as vaping, nicotine itself poses much less of a health risk – provided that you buy your products from a reputable source. This is why vaping is a safe alternative for those who want to quit smoking while gradually reducing their nicotine intake.

How Much Nicotine Is In A Cigarette?

The nicotine content of a cigarette varies greatly between different brands. Usually, cigarettes can contain a minimum nicotine content of 6 milligrams and a maximum nicotine content of 28 milligrams. On average, a single cigarette contains between 10 and 12 milligrams of nicotine.

You do not actually inhale all the nicotine found within a cigarette – as the cigarette undergoes combustion, you will end up inhaling around 1.1 to 1.8 milligrams of nicotine per cigarette. This means that you will inhale between 22 and 36 milligrams of nicotine for each standard pack of cigarettes.

Additional Components Of A Cigarette

Nicotine might be the most-widely known ingredient in cigarettes, but an average cigarette contains up to 600 additional substances. Upon combustion, this number rises to 7 000 additional chemicals, 69 of which have been linked directly to developing cancer. Some of these harmful toxins include:

  • Acetone – a relative of propane that is commonly used in nail polish remover
  • Lead – a highly toxic chemical known for its damaging effects on the nervous system and brain (especially in children)
  • Benzene – a carcinogen used in fuel
  • Ammonia – a compound that contains nitrogen and hydrogen, used in many cleaning supplies
  • Formaldehyde – commonly used as an industrial fungicide and germicide that is directly linked to developing cancer
  • Arsenic – a natural chemical used in bug killers and weed killers
  • Butane – a flammable compound found in crude oils, often used to light fires
  • Carbon monoxide – an odourless gas found in car exhaust fumes with dangerous toxicity at high levels
  • Tar – a thick liquid produced by burning carbon-based matter used to pave roads

There is also the risk of buying off-brand or black market cigarettes. These can contain a variety of additional harmful substances and may be laced with anything. This is usually a risk when buying single cigarettes or getting your supply from non-reputable sources.

How Much Nicotine Is In A Vape?

Nicotine levels in vape juices vary depending on the brand. Some e-liquids are nicotine free, while nic salts can contain as much as 50 milligrams of nicotine per millilitre. E-liquids can have nicotine contents anywhere between these concentrations.

Smokers with a higher daily tolerance may prefer e-liquids with a nicotine content of 24 milligrams per millilitre, while average smokers can satiate their nicotine cravings with e-liquids containing 3 to 15 milligrams of nicotine per millilitre. Nic salts provide an experience that is the closest to smoking a cigarette in terms of nicotine satisfaction and the feel of your hit. This makes nic salts a popular option for those who are making the switch from smoking to vaping.

Additional Components In E-Liquids

E-liquid is made up of four simple ingredients:

  • Water (an optional ingredient)
  • Nicotine (some e-liquids do not contain nicotine)
  • Flavourings
  • Propylene Glycol (PG) or Vegetable Glycerine (VG), or a combination of both

These ingredients can be found in food and drinks, and have been labelled safe for consumption. When compared to the harmful toxins found in cigarettes, it is no surprise that vaping is a safer and healthier alternative.

How Much Vaping Is Equivalent To A Cigarette?

There is no clear comparison of how much vaping is equivalent to a cigarette. The answer depends on a few variables:

  • The nicotine content of your e-liquid
  • The type of device you are using (sub-ohm devices, pod devices, etc.)
  • The size of your puffs
  • The frequency of prior cigarette smoking

The common consensus is that one millilitre of vape juice yields about 100 puffs. The average smoker finishes a cigarette within 8 to 14 puffs. In theory, a millilitre of vape juice is equivalent to 7 – 12 cigarettes. Once again, this depends on the strength of your e-liquid and the size of your hits.

It is also important to note that this equivalence only relates to nicotine consumption. When using reputable e-liquids, you will not be exposed to the thousands of additional toxic chemicals found in cigarettes.

Why Stop Smoking And Switch To Vaping

Vaping has a variety of benefits when compared to smoking. It is definitely a safer option to make the switch, since:

  • E-liquid contains no tobacco or other carcinogens found in cigarettes and smoke – e-liquid also contains the same ingredients upon vaporisation, whereas the burning of cigarettes releases a number of added chemicals
  • Vaping is less expensive than smoking in the long run
  • The scent of vapour does not linger – it also does not pose the risk of cigarette smoking
  • Vaping has a better success rate for those who quit smoking than other alternative methods, such as nicotine patches or gum
  • You can choose the nicotine strength of your e-liquid and gradually dial it down
  • It has been found that vaping is 95% safer than smoking
  • Medical assessments conducted on those who have switched from smoking cigarettes to vaping have concluded that users were in an overall healthier condition than they were in before the switch
  • Vaping does not produce residue such as ash, making it more convenient and mess-free
  • Vapour does not linger around the environment like smoke does, making it more environmentally friendly, especially if you are vaping with a refillable device
  • You have a wider variety of choices with vaping than you do with cigarettes, including different nicotine concentrations, different flavours of e-liquid, different devices, and accessories for further customization

What Is The Best Way To Switch From Smoking To Vaping?

Vaping is much better for your health than smoking, but even though you will still get nicotine satisfaction, the process of dropping cigarettes for good may still seem daunting. Here are some factors to consider when switching from smoking to vaping to ensure a successful journey:

Choose The Right Nicotine Strength

This is a key component to successfully making the switch from smoking to vaping. The most popular nicotine concentrations include 0 mg, 3 mg, 6 mg, 12 mg, 25mg, 35 mg, and 50 mg. For those who were heavy smokers, a nicotine concentration in the 12 to 50 mg range would be the best option. Nic salts and related devices can also feel more familiar to cigarettes and provide a stronger hit of nicotine, making them a popular choice. You can always decide to reduce your nicotine levels as you progress in your journey.

Pick A Device That Suits Your Needs  

There are many vaping devices for you to choose from. Your choice will highly depend on your needs and what you want from your vaping experience. Starter kits are convenient and easy to use as they contain everything you need to start vaping. Rechargeable vapes with refillable tanks deliver nicotine quickly and effectively, giving you the best chance to quit smoking for good. Lighter smokers can go for vape pens or pod systems to satisfy their nicotine cravings.

If you want to try out vaping to see if it fits your lifestyle, you can start out with a disposable device. This way, you can try out different nicotine strengths and flavours without having to make an immediate, long term commitment.

Some of the top-rated devices to help you quit smoking include:

Try Mouth-To-Lung (MTL) Vaping

There are two common vaping methods: mouth-to-lung vaping (MTL) and direct-to-lung vaping (DTL). DTL devices are usually paired with e-liquids that have low nicotine levels with the goal of creating large vapour clouds. For ex-smokers, MTL vaping is recommended, as the airflow feels more restricted and mimics the sensation of pulling on a cigarette. This familiarity makes the process of switching from cigarettes to vaping much easier.

Cut The Cigarettes Completely

The best way to ensure that you will quit smoking for good, is by switching to vaping without smoking cigarettes in between. This will help you to get used to the switch without the temptation of just going back to cigarettes. You will not get the full benefit of vaping if you do not quit smoking completely, so be sure to get rid of all your cigarettes when you start vaping.

If you are looking to quit smoking traditional cigarettes, vaping is an effective way to go about the process. You will cut out all the harmful toxins and compounds found within cigarettes while still being able to satisfy your nicotine cravings. As e-liquids come in a variety of different nicotine concentrations, you will be able to find the right dose, whether you were a light, moderate, or heavy smoker. Not only is vaping a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, it is also cheaper, providing a ton of benefits in the long run as opposed to smoking. Be sure to check out Vaperite for products and accessories that will suit all your vaping needs to get started with your new journey.


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