Foods That Can Enhance Your High

It is well known that cannabis can make food taste even better, but there are also some foods that can enhance the effects of cannabis. Foods that contain terpenes in high concentrations as well as foods that contain naturally relaxing compounds can help to increase the effects of cannabis and lead to a longer-lasting high.

Best Foods To Boost Your High

Next time you feel the munchies approaching, you can reach for some specific foods that will actually help to extend your high and contribute to the euphoric experience. Here are some go-to options for your next high snack:

  • Mango
  • Chocolate
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potato
  • Nuts and eggs
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Kombucha
  • Beer


Mangoes are one of the foods that are associated the most with enhancing your high. This fruit contains a high concentration of myrcene, a terpene that is also commonly found in cannabis. Myrcene has joyful, euphoric, and relaxing effects – when myrcene is consumed in conjunction with THC, these effects are heightened, leading to a stronger high.

To fully experience the effects of mangoes on your high, you should have a few mango slices or some mango juice 45 minutes before you consume cannabis.


Chocolate does not only act as a delightful way to soothe your munchies – it can also boost your high. Chocolate contains anandamide, a neurotransmitter and endocannabinoid also known as the “bliss molecule”. Anandamide is naturally produced by the body’s endocannabinoid system and binds to other CB receptors in the body. This enhances the stimulation of feelings such as joy. 

When you have some chocolate before you consume cannabis, you will increase your natural anandamide levels and stimulate the CB receptors that bind with THC. This results in a long-lasting high with strong feelings of euphoria. You can also get cannabis-infused edibles that contain chocolate to feel the effects of both.


Broccoli is full of the terpene known as beta caryophyllene that has the ability to reduce pain and inflammation. This vegetable is perfect for an overwhelmingly relaxing high. If you do not enjoy broccoli on its own, you can add it to a variety of tasty dishes like pasta, grilled chicken, and potato bake.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are known to activate the production of feel-good chemicals like serotonin. They are also full of vitamin B6, which aids in regulating emotions. When consumed along with cannabis, you can expect increased feelings of relaxation and higher levels of euphoria.

There are some great meals you can make with sweet potatoes, but if you are more inclined to snacks, there are some good sweet potato crisps on the market that will suit your taste.

Nuts And Eggs

Both nuts and eggs are very high in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids have been proven to bind with cannabinoid receptors that assist CBD and THC to work at a faster rate. 

Consuming foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids along with cannabis will increase its effects and allow for a high that lasts longer. Make yourself a farm-style breakfast and soothe your munchies while enhancing your high.


Green tea and black tea have a high concentration of catechin, a compound that has a sedating and relaxing effect on the body. Drinking green tea or black tea before consuming cannabis will help to balance your high and reduce potential feelings of paranoia and anxiety. Combining the euphoric effects of cannabis and the relaxing effects of catechin will increase the effects of both products. You can even drop some CBD oil in your tea to boost the effects more.


There are many relations between the endocannabinoid system and caffeine. There are over a hundred metabolites that are correlated with the intake of caffeine, many of which are linked to the endocannabinoid system. Thus, coffee acts as a modulator for the endocannabinoid system and could increase the effects of marijuana. Just as with tea, you can add a few drops of CBD oil into your morning cup of joe.


Combining kombucha with the medical benefits of marijuana has a therapeutic effect on overall well-being. Kombucha contains probiotics, enzymes, and B vitamins that work very well with terpenes and cannabinoids.

Since both kombucha and cannabis have high antibacterial properties, contain high levels of antioxidants, and have cancer fighting properties, these two substances benefit the body greatly when used in unison.


It is important to note that you should always be cautious when consuming alcohol and cannabis together. However, consuming both substances in small amounts may boost the euphoric effects you would experience from each individual substance.

One of the main ingredients found in beer is hops, which contains high concentrations of a variety of terpenes such as myrcene. When consumed in conjunction with the terpenes in cannabis, it enhances the effect of THC and CBD.

Classic Stoner Foods

For years, takeaways and junk food have been viewed as the ultimate stoner snacks. If you eat your favourite food when high, chances are that it will taste even better than it normally does. Here are some classic stoner snacks that people swear by to satisfy those munchies:

  • Your favourite ice cream flavour
  • A nice grilled cheese sandwich with some bacon or ham
  • Chips and dip
  • An absolutely stuffed burger
  • Pizza with extra sauce
  • Sweet cereals

The munchies do not discriminate – you may even find yourself creating some new and innovative recipes out of food combinations you would have never expected. It’s a fun part of the high journey.

Are There Foods To Avoid When High?

In general, there are no foods that you should blatantly disregard when consuming cannabis. If you have certain allergies or specific dietary requirements, you will be fine as long as you stay away from those products.

Whether you smoke, eat, or vape cannabis, do not reach for more edibles if you are feeling the munchies. This can easily take you from a good high to a bad trip, as you will likely take way too much for your body to handle.

Munchies can also be pretty intense at times, especially when consuming certain strains of cannabis. The most important part is to make sure that you do not eat too much food or try to satisfy your munchies with more weed, since you will likely just make yourself feel sick. Savour every bite and appreciate the enhanced flavours.

In conclusion, there are some foods that can enhance your high experience and extend the effect of cannabis. There are also a bunch of cannabis-infused beverages and foods to experience the best of both worlds. The best food to eat when high is usually whatever you are craving, and to simply avoid anything that does not suit your taste or anything you are allergic to.


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