Does Vape Juice Expire?

Vape Juice is very different to traditional tobacco in many aspects. Whilst tobacco does not have an expiry date, vape juice is a food grade material, meaning that it will eventually expire. Consuming expired e-liquids can lead to a nasty vaping experience, so it is best to check the label for expiry dates. Luckily, there are a few ways to keep your e-liquid fresh for longer while still enjoying safe vaping. 

How Quickly Does E-Liquid Expire? 

Fortunately, e-liquid takes quite some time to expire and has a long shelf life. Most e-liquids can last up to two years if it is kept in the right conditions. How quickly your e-liquid expires also depends on the base of your vape juice – freebase liquids containing Propylene Glycol (PG) and Vegetable Glycerine (VG) have different shelf lives.

How Long Does PG E-Liquid Last?

PG based e-liquids tend to last longer as PG naturally prevents the liquid from degrading over time. As long as you handle and store your e-liquid properly, PG based e-liquids will not expire quickly.

How Long Does VG E-Liquid Last?

VG based e-liquids expire faster than PG based e-liquids, as VG does not have the ability to fend off degradation. This means that VG based e-liquids kept under the same conditions as PG based e-liquids will expire a bit sooner.

However, if your e-liquid contains nicotine, it does not particularly matter what base is used. This is because nicotine is volatile and naturally loses its potency over time. Tobacco Free Nicotine lasts considerably longer, therefore, no matter which base your e-liquid is made of, it will expire at the same rate if it contains nicotine.

Is Consuming Expired E-Liquid Dangerous?

In short, consuming expired e-liquid is not detrimental to your health. Expired e-liquid simply tastes, smells, and looks different from fresh vape juice. Although you will not experience any health related side effects, you will not enjoy using expired e-liquids. With an off or absent taste, it is just not worth it to use expired e-liquid.

How Do I Know If My E-Liquid Has Expired?

E-liquid that has reached its expiration date has a few tell-tale signs. This includes:

  • An Altered Taste Or Lack Of Flavour
  • An Unfamiliar Smell
  • A Darker Appearance
  • A Weaker Nicotine Hit
  • Separation Of Ingredients 

An Altered Taste Or Lack Of Flavour

Flavour in e-liquids degrade over time and consequently start to taste off. Think back to how your e-liquid normally tastes. If you notice the flavour being weaker or completely absent, you should throw it out, as it is not worth vaping anyway.

An Unfamiliar Smell

The smell of e-liquid is usually very potent and gives a clear indication of its flavour. If your e-liquid smells off or no longer has its potency, it has most likely expired.

A Darker Appearance

E-liquids (especially those containing nicotine) will naturally darken over time. This is due to the degradation of nicotine, whereby the nicotine undergoes an oxidative chemical reaction when it comes into contact with oxygen, resulting in its change in appearance. 

However, when your e-liquid has reached its expiry date, you will be able to see that it is much darker than the original colour. If your e-liquid does appear to be yellow or light brown in colour, it is probably time to throw it out.

A Weaker Nicotine Hit

Since nicotine naturally degrades with time, the nicotine content of your e-liquid will decrease the longer you let it sit. Not only will your e-liquid taste bad, but it will also not be able to satisfy your nicotine cravings.

Separation Of Ingredients 

Some e-liquids display natural separation of ingredients, but the labels will usually show that you should shake it before use. However, with time, thicker components start sinking to the bottom and will not mix together no matter how much you shake it. 

Additionally, if you notice that your e-liquid is noticeably runnier or thicker than it should be, you should chuck the bottle. Not only will expired e-liquid result in a bad vaping experience, it also has the potential to leak out of your tank or e-cigarette and ruin your coils. If your e-liquid starts to show any of these signs, it is probably time to throw it away.

How Can I Prevent My E-Liquid From Expiring?

The general rule of thumb is to store your e-liquids in a cool, dry area. You should also prevent exposure to direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and overexposure to oxygen. This makes a dark, room temperature cupboard an ideal place to store your e-liquids. If you live in an area that reaches extreme temperatures, you could also store your e-liquid in the fridge.

It does not really matter whether or not your e-liquid has been opened before; your e-liquid may appear darker due to oxidation, but as long as you keep it in the correct conditions, your e-liquid should last.

What About Steeping E-Liquids?

Steeping e-liquids involves producing vape juice and letting it stand for a long period to mature its flavour. However, you could run the risk of over-steeping. The result is pretty much the same as expired e-liquid, or a flavour so strong that it becomes nearly impossible to vape it. As certain e-liquid flavours may take longer than others to steep properly, it can be difficult to decide when it is ready for use. 

Concentrates with fruity flavours take about two days to reach their optimum flavour, while dessert or tobacco flavours can take up to two weeks to reach their full potential. Stick to these estimates, and you will get the best flavour out of your steeped liquids.

E-liquid has an expiry date, and although consuming expired vape juice does not pose any health risks, it is most definitely an unpleasant experience to use them. Be sure to store your e-liquids in a cool, dry place and take note of the expiry date printed on the label. Check your e-liquid for signs of expiration before you use it to preserve your vaping experience.

Be sure to check out Vaperite for more of the latest devices, informative articles, e-liquids, and vaping accessories to fully optimize your vaping experience. We encourage safe vaping and make sure to provide users with the best products to enjoy every vaping session. Take your vaping experience to the next level with Vaperite.

Does Vape Juice Expire?

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