Why Does Weed Make Some People Paranoid?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the major intoxicating compound found in cannabis, which can in some cases induce feelings of paranoia in some people when they consume weed. Given the association of cannabis with relaxation, this can be a confusing side effect of cannabis use. So let’s have a look at why some people may experience paranoid thoughts when using cannabis and how to ease or prevent this symptom.

How Can Weed Induce Paranoia?

The first component of whether you experience paranoia lies within your endocannabinoid system (ECS). Each individual has a differently constructed ECS and consequently will produce different effects. When you are using cannabis, compounds like THC bind to your endocannabinoid receptors within your brain, including your amygdala.

It is the amygdala that helps you to respond to fear and related emotions, including stress, anxiety, and paranoia. Cannabis that contains high levels of THC will make your brain receive a much larger amount of cannabinoids than usual. This has the potential to overstimulate the amygdala, inducing fear and anxiety.

This also explains why cannabidiol (CBD) products do not seem to cause feelings of paranoia, as it does not directly bind to your endocannabinoid system.

Are Some People More Prone To Paranoia When Consuming Weed?

Many people do not experience paranoia after consuming cannabis, and if they do, they experience it mildly enough to simply forget about it. That being said, there are a few factors to consider when thinking of why weed may cause paranoia.


Cannabis produces positive effects such as relaxation and a decrease in anxiety when it stimulates the frontal region of the brain. This has to do with the larger number of reward opioid receptors found in that area.

If the posterior portion of your brain is more sensitive to THC than the anterior part, you could potentially experience more adverse reactions. Naturally, this includes increased anxiety and paranoia. This is also dependent on your natural cannabis tolerance

THC Content

Using cannabis with a higher THC content also has the potential to contribute to negative symptoms such as paranoia. According to studies, consuming cannabis with a content up to 7.5 milligrams of THC reduces negative feelings such as anxiety. However, when the THC content is heightened to 12.5 milligrams, users experienced an increase in negative feelings.


Higher oestrogen levels have the potential to increase cannabis sensitivity, which creates a lower marijuana tolerance in women by as much as 30% compared to men. This means that females are significantly more likely to be sensitive to the effects of cannabis. This can be beneficial as cannabis has a greater chance of providing positive effects such as pain relief, but also raises the possibility of heightened negative effects such as paranoia.

How Can I Cope With Cannabis-Induced Paranoia?

Luckily, there are a few things you can try if you are prone to cannabis-induced paranoia. These tips will help you once you have already consumed cannabis and are experiencing heightened levels of anxiety.

Do Things That You Find Relaxing

Most people find that yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises helps to bring them back to a level of calmness. Other relaxing pastimes include colouring, taking a warm bath, lighting some candles, or listening to some soothing music.

Since cannabis tends to enhance your sensory experiences, try to include as many of your senses as possible when relaxing.

Take A Whiff Of Some Pepper

The terpenes in pepper share a number of chemical similarities with the terpenes found in cannabis, which provides some relief from paranoia produced by a high THC content. Grind up some peppercorns and take a deep breath to catch a whiff of the aroma. 

Warning: do not get too close – sneezing and stinging eyes may distract you from paranoia for a little while, but not in a good way, so proceed with caution.

Make A Fresh Batch Of Lemonade

Another food item that has helpful terpenes are lemons. Squeeze a few lemons, add some honey or sugar and drink. This concoction will help counteract the effects of too much THC.

Ensure That Your Environment Is As Relaxing As Possible

An environment that stresses you out or makes you anxious will not alleviate your paranoia. Some relaxing spaces may include your bedroom or a quiet outdoor space. Put on some chill music, wrap up in a blanket, grab a pet, and call some friends you trust.

How To Avoid Paranoia In The Future

If you have made it through an episode of paranoia, you will most likely never want to experience it again. If you find cannabis beneficial for medical reasons or do not express paranoia regularly, there are a few things you can try to reduce your chances of experiencing paranoia.

Try Using Less Cannabis For Each Session

Your chances of experiencing paranoia will greatly decrease if you use less cannabis at a time. You can try using less until you find your sweet spot where you feel the beneficial effects and no paranoia. Lower your dose and gradually increase until you find your sweet spot,  and be sure to give it at least 30 minutes for it to kick in. 

Opt For Strains That Contain A Higher CBD Content

CDB does not produce psychoactive effects, and can even counteract the intensity of THC when used in conjunction. Paranoia is considered as one of the psychoactive effects of cannabis, so naturally CBD helps to reduce its effects.

Luckily, products that contain high concentrations of CBD have become increasingly popular. Tinctures, edibles, e-liquid, and flowers may have ratios of 1:1 and even 25:1 of CBD to THC. Strains with citrus, pine, or pepper scents can help to boost the relaxing effects of cannabis and make paranoia less likely. 

Why Do I Feel Paranoid Even When I Have Stopped Using Cannabis?

You may still experience feelings of paranoia, anxiety, and other changes in mood if you have recently quit using cannabis. This is quite common, especially if you have:

Paranoia can also be the result of cannabis withdrawal. Behavioural changes and mood related symptoms are the most common symptoms of withdrawal. These side effects gradually decrease in intensity during the first four weeks. 

There is also a chance that your paranoia may be induced by other medical issues. Be sure to talk to a healthcare provider once your feelings of paranoia:

  • Do not decrease within a few weeks
  • Become more severe
  • Affect your quality of life or daily functioning
  • Lead to aggressive thoughts or behaviour

Paranoia is an unsettling and at times terrifying side effect that some cannabis users experience. In fact, most cannabis users have reported to have had feelings of paranoia at least once during a session. The best advice is to keep calm and remember that these feelings will disappear with time as your high starts to wear off. 

Lower your weed intake until you find the perfect dose that provides you with its benefits without the paranoia. A great way to manage exactly how much weed you are taking in is to use a cannabis vaporizer. That way you can monitor exactly how much cannabis it takes to get you to the perfect spot and stick to the same exact dose. Some cannabis vaporizer recommendations include:

Be sure to check out Cannarite for cannabis paraphernalia, devices, and accessories to optimize your experiences with cannabis. We encourage safe cannabis consumption and only provide users with the best products to enjoy every sesh.

Why Does Weed Make Some People Paranoid?

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