Reasons To Vape Without Nicotine

Customisability is one of the biggest appeals of the vaping experience. Along with choosing the unique design of your device and getting to decide between various e-liquid flavours, this includes having the option to choose your nicotine strength. Although many people do not understand why some vapers choose to use nicotine-free options, there are in fact quite a few reasons to vape without nicotine.

Many vapers take up vaping to wean off of nicotine, lowering their dose until they get it completely out of their system. This way, they can quit smoking and gradually break their nicotine addiction. Others keep vaping with nicotine-free e-liquids long after they have stopped vaping nicotine due to the familiar feeling of the hand-to-mouth action. 

Stick with us as we go into the world of nicotine free vaping to explore the reasons why you should try vaping without nicotine.

Zero-Nicotine Products Do Not Lead To Addiction

When you look at the ingredients list on a reputable brand’s e-liquid bottle, you will see that it contains vegetable glycerine (VG) and or propylene glycol (PG), flavourings, and nicotine. Nicotine is the only element in e-liquids that is addictive.

Since nicotine is an optional ingredient in e-liquid, nicotine-free e-liquids do not even contain traces of nicotine. Therefore, you can enjoy the vaping experience without having to worry about the addictive qualities of nicotine.

Nicotine-Free Products Are Non-Toxic

When talking about the chemical composition of nicotine, it is classified as a toxin found in the tobacco plant that is used as a defence mechanism to ward off predators. As the plant’s protective system, insects and animals that feed on tobacco leaves start to feel nauseous after just a few bites, turning them to other food sources and keeping them away from the tobacco plant. Nicotine is also a stimulant for humans, all in all leading to tobacco products being classified as toxic. 

However, all the other elements of reputable nicotine-free e-liquids are food-grade quality. This includes vegetable glycerine (VG) and or propylene glycol (PG), water, and flavourings. Therefore, if you are using nicotine-free products, you will be consuming a fully food-grade product.

It is important to note that you should still keep your e-liquids away from children and pets. Even though nicotine-free products do not contain nicotine, it is still not recommended to ingest it in other ways than its intended purpose.

Enjoy A Smooth Vaping Experience

For those who switch from smoking traditional cigarettes to vaping, nicotine is usually a necessary element in the adjusting process. Vaping does not produce a strong throat hit like smoking a cigarette does, unless you add nicotine.

However, after gradually reducing nicotine levels or vaping at a high nicotine level for an extended period, many vapers start to feel that their vape’s throat hit is too harsh for them. If you are looking for a seamlessly smooth vaping experience, you should definitely try vaping zero-nicotine products as it will remove the harsh throat hit and produce an even stream of vapour.

Experience Full Flavour Profiles

For vapers who are in it for the full flavour experience, eliminating nicotine will make a substantial difference. Although nicotine is an odourless ingredient, it has a naturally peppery taste which can have an impact on your e-liquid. This is especially true for e-liquids that have high nicotine concentrations. Adding nicotine to your e-liquid also leads to some flavour dilution, compromising the unique taste of your favourite flavours.

Choosing your favourite flavours in a nicotine-free option means that you will experience its full flavour profile, from its main appeal to all the undertones that make it unique. All flavour enthusiasts should at least try out some nicotine-free e-liquids to fully experience the flavour blast.

Optimal Clouds And Impressive Tricks

Many vapers enjoy the visually appealing aspect of vaping, including dense clouds and impressive vape tricks. As long as you buy an e-liquid that has as much VG as possible, you will be blowing the biggest clouds out there. 

With vape tricks, practice makes perfect. Vape products that contain nicotine cause a nicotine rush and a throat hit that can start to irritate your throat and cause you to feel sick. However, with 100% VG e-liquid and no nicotine creating a harsh throat hit on the inhale, you can easily take in a large amount of vapour and blow out massive plumes of vapour each time with no negative side-effects.

Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth Without Having To Feel Guilty

Surprisingly many vapers have mentioned that vaping helps them to minimise their mindless consumption of sugar, snacks, and empty calories. This is mostly done by vaping sweet and dessert-flavoured e-liquids. 

If you are already a vaper, or make the switch from smoking to vaping, this can be beneficial. Many diabetic vapers have found this to be very helpful, and vaping can lead to weight loss in general. 

If you choose to vape nicotine-free e-liquids, you can enjoy these sweet, dessert flavours without having to worry about calories or nicotine consumption.

Easily Take A Break From Nicotine While Still Enjoying Vaping

Sometimes your body needs a break from nicotine, especially when you are new to vaping and are just starting to learn your limits. Consuming too much nicotine can make you feel dizzy, lethargic, shaky, nauseous, or just sick in general. 

This is where zero-nicotine products become the perfect option. You can keep having that familiar hand-to-mouth action along with your favourite flavours without having to worry about the side-effects of consuming too much nicotine. 

Vaping is a great way to get your nicotine consumption down, and getting it down to zero can be quite beneficial. By using nicotine-free products, you will get food-grade products that are non-toxic. Both flavour enthusiasts and cloud chasers will find what they are looking for with nicotine-free products, providing a smooth vaping experience for all. 

If you want to take a break from nicotine without completely giving up the habit of the hand-to-mouth action or the act of inhaling and exhaling vapour, nicotine-free products are the perfect way to go about it. That way, you can enjoy vaping without having to worry about the nicotine aspect.

Reasons To Vape Without Nicotine

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