How To Make Your Cannabis Last Longer

If there are any tips and tricks on how to make your cannabis last longer, most cannabis users would definitely be interested. One of the downsides of consuming cannabis regularly is the cost thereof. Luckily, we have some hacks that can help you to make your cannabis stash last longer.

Some of the best tips on how to make your cannabis last longer include:

Use A Bong To Smoke

Bongs are one of the best tools you can use to make your cannabis last longer. When you smoke a joint or blunt, it is constantly burning and actually wasting a lot of cannabis. On the other hand, bongs allow you to inhale all the smoke you get from burning your cannabis. 

Additionally, the amount of cannabis you would use to make one joint can be used to do quite a few bong hits. A small-sized joint contains enough cannabis for about four to five bong hits depending on how you stack. Bongs are also known to give stronger hits when compared to joints, blunts, and pipes. 

Vaping Instead Of Smoking

Studies have found that vaping cannabis can produce more noticeable effects while using less cannabis. Vaping is also a much better way to enjoy the full scent and flavour of your cannabis. Of course, vaping has also been found to be much safer than any traditional method of smoking cannabis.

Slicing Your Cannabis

When it comes to making your cannabis last longer, it might be better to invest in a quality grinder that has angled blades and slices your buds instead of crushing them. This will give your cannabis a fluffier consistency, making it burn more evenly and slowly because of the increased airflow. You will notice that your cannabis is more potent and lasts longer.

Making Edibles

It takes a large amount of cannabis to make edibles, but using some of your stash for this purpose can actually help you out in the long run. While a high from smoking typically lasts between one and two hours, cannabis-infused edibles will give you an average high of three to four hours, but can last much longer. 

Using A Hemp Wick

If you usually smoke out of pipes or bongs, you should consider switching to a hemp wick instead of using a lighter. Hemp wick will prevent the inhalation of butane fumes, and burns your cannabis more slowly as it is at a much lower temperature than a lighter. This can also make your cannabis last longer as it prevents you from burning your cannabis with a lighter.

Smoking Efficiently

Lighting a full bowl will burn through your cannabis a lot faster. However, if you light small sections at a time, or smoke a smaller stack, you will still feel the effects while using more of your cannabis. 

It is easy to build the habit of smoking large joints or big bowls at a time, but try testing how little you need to give you the desired effects. Small pipes and bowls might be exactly what you need to get used to smaller portions, especially if you are looking to take a tolerance break over time.

Trying A One-Hitter

Although you will probably be taking more than just one hit, you will still be using less cannabis with a one-hitter. That is because you only have to commit to one hit at a time, rather than a whole joint or bowl. One-hitters are a great way to start getting mindful about your cannabis consumption, and can be helpful for making your cannabis last longer.

Saving Leftovers In An Airtight Jar

They may not taste the best, but there will probably be a time when you will be willing to smoke your leftovers. Keep an airtight jar nearby and start to collect the last good scraps from roaches, stems, and small leftovers from buds or scraping out your grinder. You will be glad for your jar when you have nothing else to smoke.

Make sure that you store your jar in a cool and dry space to make sure that your cannabis preserves its potency. You can also add a Boveda humidity pack to make sure that the humidity stays under control.

Rolling Pinners

“Pinners” are just smaller and thinner versions of joints. While you might be used to rolling something that is thick and packed with cannabis, it is also usually very wasteful. Smoking big joints is actually one of the quickest ways you will waste your cannabis. Alternatively, try to roll smaller and thinner joints.

You will notice that you will get just as high from a pinner since lots of the cannabis packed into bigger joints will turn into ash at the end of your joint before you can consume it. If one pinner does not give you the necessary effects, just roll another one! You will still be saving cannabis through this method.

Using The Long Filter Technique

If you prefer to smoke joints over using pipes and bongs, you can try out the long filter technique. This is great for those who want just a small amount of cannabis at one time. With this  technique, one part of your pinner’s joint paper will be filled with cannabis, and the other half will hold the filter.

Simply start rolling a filter that is around 2.5 cm to 3.8 cm long. Either way, it should take up about half of the length of your rolling paper. Fill the rest of your rolling paper with cannabis and keep rolling it like you normally would. You will have a joint that can give you a few quick hits. These are great for those with a low tolerance who do not want to smoke an entire joint, and users who need a little more than just a single pinner. 

Being Patient

Although there are benefits to using cannabis early in the day, it can lead to using more cannabis throughout the rest of the day. You may have noticed that you get much higher the first time you smoke in the day.That is because your cannabis tolerance slightly increases each day that you smoke, so you will need to smoke more and more each time unless you take breaks.

Taking A Break

If you want to make your cannabis last longer, you can generally reduce the amount you consume on a regular basis by taking a tolerance break. Even the best of use can start to use cannabis frequently enough that we need significantly more just to feel something. This can become very expensive. 

Taking a tolerance break for a week or longer will help you to lower the amount of cannabis you need to feel more potent effects, closer to the feelings of your first high. You will also save money during the period of your tolerance break.

Making your cannabis longer involves a combination of smart consumption methods and other tricks. It is mostly about getting the most out of the cannabis you have so that you are not as wasteful. As an added bonus, many of these tips will also help you to get the best experience from your cannabis sessions. Be sure to be mindful of your cannabis consumption and start saving your buds – your bank account will thank you.

How To Make Your Cannabis Last Longer

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