How To Crush Weed When Using A Dry Herb Vaporizer?

While the most common methods of enjoying weed have been joints and bongs, a dry herb vaporizer offers an enhancement to the smoking experience. The dry herb vaporizer requires the cannabis plant to be crushed to deliver its powerful and reliable way of cannabis consumption. 

So, how finely should you grind your herb? While confusion is expected due to the large amounts of grinders on the market, the answer to how you should crush weed when using a dry herb vaporizer has always been in the way you grind the weed. Any form of grinder, or even scissors, can crush weed to the consistency best for vaporizers.

Like joints and bongs, combustion happens in a vaporizer too, which actually has a heating element that will ignite the cannabis. You are able to get big hits from a dry herb vaporizer like you would with other methods of smoking. How the weed is crushed and packed plays an integral part in this modern experience. 

The Perfect Grind

Vaporizers need cannabis that is ground fine, but not to a powder consistency. Just fine enough to avoid big chunks or clunky pieces. The key to crushing weed for a dry herb vaporizer is to get the cannabis flower fine and even. And this is going to ensure that the heat can be distributed equally and that the air can flow through the vaporizer. 

The evenness is what you will look out for in a good quality dry herb vaporizer. There are many ways to achieve the perfect grind for dry herb vaporizers. While scissors can get the job done, grinders excel in the consistency of crushing cannabis evenly. This is due to the teeth/propeller crushing chamber with sharp edges. 

Grinding Your Own

There are quick and easy steps to follow when you want to pack your vape chamber with weed. Grinders all work the same. The most common grinders are 2-part and 4-part grinders. However, the process of grinding cannabis for a dry herb vaporizer is the same.

  • To begin, de-stem the cannabis plant to avoid filling the crushing chamber with unnecessary herb. 
  • Next, fill the grinder chamber evenly with the de-stemmed weed. 
  • Lock the chamber with the magnetic lid and give your grinder a couple of full rotations

Although boasting various compartments or chambers based on design, there are commonalities between all grinders. There is a crushing chamber, some grinders have holes at the bottom that fall into the bowl/storage area, and evenly spaced sharp edges to produce evenly crushed weed. The amount of full rotations will determine how fine you crush the herb. 

Cannarite hosts a range of grinders you can purchase online. From 2-part to 4-part grinders, you can find a grinder that best suits your needs. 

Black Leaf – Aluminium Grinder 2-Part THC

The two-part grinder consists of the grinder chamber and the magnetic lid. It has diamond-cut blades to ensure a finely ground cannabis plant. The Black Leaf – Aluminium Grinder 2-Part THC is perfect for grinding weed to the consistency you need for a dry herb vaporizer. The two-halve system allows for a compact design and control with a window lid. 


  • Material: Aluminium
  • Colour: Green
  • Print: THC Compound, BL-Logo
  • Setup: 2-part
  • System: Diamond-cut Teeth

Aluminium Grinder 4-Part

The classic grinder sees sharp blades rotating diagonally in the grinding chamber, crushing into a fine powder that will create enough airflow when stacked in a dry herb vaporizer. The Aluminium Grinder 4-Part is essential for grinding cannabis to the right consistency you are looking for. The bowl and the bottom chamber design of this grinder have been tried and tested to consistently produce the grind you want. 


  • Material: Aluminium
  • Colour: Black/Grey
  • Setup: 4-part
  • System: Rotator Blades

Propeller Aluminium Grinder 4-Part

This unique design brings together a 4-part cannabis grinding compartment topped with a sharp-edged propeller. The Propeller Aluminium Grinder 4-Part “propeller” is cleverly made to rotate inside the closed grinder when the usual rotating movements are made with the lid. The edges in the bottom chamber are round so that the finely ground weed can easily fall through to the bowl. The grinder has a magnetically closing lid and an integrated mesh screen.


  • Material: Aluminium
  • Colour: Silver/Bronze
  • Setup: 4-part
  • System: Propeller

Black Leaf – New Edge 4-Part Grinder

The “New Edge” is all about maximum grip and easy-to-use functions. This corrosion-resistant grinder is perfect for grinding fine, fluffy weed, perfect for a dry herb vaporizer. The Black Leaf – New Edge 4-Part Grinder comes in various sizes, diameters and colours, grind to your preference. 


  • Material: Aluminium
  • Colour: turquoise/black/light green
  • Print: BL-Logo
  • Setup: 4-part
  • System: Diamond-cut Teeth

Combie Animal Grinder Stash Box

This KS Classic packs a ton in with this design, which includes a grinder, storage, mixing bowl, and a papers & tips compartment. The Combie Animal Grinder Stash Box allows you to store your cannabis before it is ground. The grinder crushes the weed, and it falls into the mixing bowl, with a big enough storage to hold 3 pre-rolled joints. The papers & tips compartment is at the base of the Stash Box. 


  • Grinder Material: Reinforced Nylon Blades
  • Colour: Multi
  • Setup: 4-part
  • System: Diamond-cut Teeth

Enjoy The Dry Herb Vaporizer

Stacking the vape chamber with your ground weed is all about airflow. The fluffy weed should be able to clump together when pressed, however, it should also naturally fill massive gaps, leaving plenty of air pockets. 

Grinding your weed best for a dry herb vaporizer can be achieved with both a 2-part and 4-part grinder. Despite the differences in the various compartments, any grinder will have a grinding chamber that will allow you to grind your cannabis to the consistency you need. 

After getting the perfect grind, fill the vape chamber with cannabis to the top and press slightly. The loosely packed weed should be able to be loose but also firm enough to not spill when turned upside down. 

Another way to check if you have packed it too tight is to put the mouthpiece on and try to pull through. If you can’t taste the weed, then it is probably packed tight. 

How To Crush Weed When Using A Dry Herb Vaporizer?

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