How To Sober Up From Being Too High

Since cannabis products differ in potency/effects and each cannabis user’s experience depends on various factors that are unique to them, there is a chance that you can end up taking too much cannabis and tainting your pleasant experience with feeling a little bit too high.

Luckily, cannabis is not a lethal drug and will at most leave you feeling uncomfortable, panicky, and mildly ill. This can happen to beginners and experienced consumers alike, so there is really no need to feel embarrassed.

Whether your edible kicked in later than usual, held in your bong rip a little too long, or just tried out a new consumption method and were caught completely off guard, we will provide you with some tips and tricks on how to sober up when you feel too high. 

How Long Does It Take To Sober Up From A Cannabis High?

After consuming cannabis, the duration of your high will depend on a few factors, some of which include: 

  • Consumption method
  • Dosage
  • Cannabis tolerance
  • Age and weight
  • Metabolic rate

Usually, the higher your product’s THC potency is (typically shown as a percentage or milligram amount), the longer your high will last. This does not necessarily mean your high will be more intense. Concentrates are classified as the most potent from cannabis, while flowers and edibles follow closely behind.

Therefore, it could take longer to sober up from dabs when compared to smoking a bowl, but factors like dosage, product quality, and body chemistry also impact your overall cannabis experience. Frequent cannabis users with a higher cannabis tolerance will also sober up faster than an occasional consumer. 

The average cannabis high lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours, with edibles lasting around 4 to 8 hours. Some users may feel the effects for longer, and lingering effects may last for a while after as well. 

Symptoms Of Being Too High

You will probably notice if you are feeling too high, but if you are not sure whether or not you have crossed the threshold, there are some signs to look out for. You might need to slow down if you start to notice any feelings of: 

  • Dizziness
  • Paranoia 
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Nausea
  • Excessive sweating

What Happens When You Start To Feel Too High?

Even if being too high feels much worse, it is important to remember that you are completely fine on a physical level. You feel high when THC binds with the CB1 receptors in your endocannabinoid system, which can mostly be found in your brain. Basically, it is all in your head.

You cannot overdose on THC like you can on other drugs, and THC also does not impact areas of your brain that affect your breathing. THC can mostly make you feel relaxed, hungry, sleepy, euphoric, and a variety of other effects depending on the strain you take. However, the variety of strains and products on the market is also one of the factors that can lead to taking too much cannabis and elevating these feelings to the extreme.

How To Sober Up From Taking Too Much Cannabis

As we have mentioned, the feeling of being “too high” can happen to anyone. That is why it is a good idea to keep some guidelines on how to sober up from your high in mind for when things start to feel like a little bit too much.

Do Not Panic

It may seem more difficult to accomplish at that moment, but remembering that most of the symptoms you are feeling will disappear soon is one of the best things you can do for yourself when you feel too high. There have been no reports of any deaths related to cannabis overdose, so despite how intensely you might be freaking out, just keep in mind that you are not really dying.

If you panic, you will only start to feel worse. So try some breathing exercises to calm yourself down and keep repeating the mantra that everything will be fine, because it will be!

Try Some Water Or Light Snacks

Due to the whole dry-mouth situation that cannabis is known to elicit at times, most users already have something to drink at hand anyways. Try opting for a non-caffeinated beverage, like water or juice. This will take away the dry feeling in your mouth and let you focus on an easy and familiar act – sipping and swallowing.

If you feel like you can manage something solid, a snack can make you feel better as well. This can make you focus on taste and your other senses rather than paranoia, taking your mind off of feeling too high. Research also suggests that some terpenes in our food can also help to even out the effects of being too high.

Chew Black Peppercorns

Many cannabis users swear by this household item as a cure for being too high. Sniff or chew on some black peppercorns and you will notice instant relief. This is because many of the terpenes that can be found in black pepper are also found in many cannabis strains. This means that black pepper likely has a grounding effect as it can even out these intense feelings.

Rest And Relax

Go to a calm and quiet space without disruptions where you can rest. Focus on some breathing exercises while laying down to ground yourself more. Sleeping can also be a great way to get rid of your high.

Once you have rested for a while or napped for a few minutes, you will feel a lot better as your body calms down and relaxes, kicking the feeling of being too high.

Go For A Walk

If you cannot turn off your brain and rest, some fresh air and a change in scenery might do you some good. Just remember to stay close enough to your safe space and bring a friend if you can. You do not want to be anxious and paranoid and get lost as well!

Getting your blood pumping can also help the THC to work out of your system faster, so take a walk around if you can manage it.

Take A Shower Or Bath

Although there are no scientific studies on whether or not showers sober you up, a general consensus among consumers is that it will. Cold showers in particular seem to increase neural impulses and make you feel more alert, getting rid of that overly high feeling. 

Showers and baths are very relaxing in general, so they are a good idea to help you calm down anyways. Try adding some nice bubble bath or shower gel so you can focus on the scents as well.

Distract Yourself

All of the things you enjoy while high might also be great ways to distract yourself from feeling too high. You can try to:

  • Listen to some music
  • Watch a movie/series
  • Talk to your friends
  • Play a video game
  • Try colouring or painting

Basically, take on whatever distractions you prefer. It is best if you choose a familiar activity that makes you feel safe and positive rather than overwhelmed. You should encourage feelings of safety and familiarity as you go.

Try Some CBD To Counteract The THC

Although CBD and THC usually work together in accordance with the entourage effect, ingesting large amounts of CBD in relation to THC can help to counteract its effects. CBD works to relieve anxiety by modulating how THC signals your endocannabinoid receptors. 

Since CBD does not bind to your brain’s CB1 receptors like THC does, it can help to balance out and take away the intensity of your high.

Keeping their cannabis experience as enjoyable as possible is at the top of most cannabis users’ priority lists. However, anyone can have a less than enjoyable experience every now and then when they feel like they have just taken too much cannabis in one session. 

If you do find yourself in this position, just remember that these feelings will pass and that you are not in any actual danger. Do not panic, stay hydrated, rest, and try to distract yourself to get through this phase. You can also try chewing black peppercorns, going for a walk, or taking a shower to get yourself back to normal.

How To Sober Up From Being Too High

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