Vaping Techniques: Top 10 Easy Vape Tricks

Vaping has risen in popularity as a healthier alternative to smoking, a pleasant flavour experience, and an opportunity to showcase their creativity and talents through vape tricks. Of course, this goes along perfectly with vaping’s ability to satisfy nicotine cravings. Whether you want to learn more about the basics of vape tricks or move on to an intermediate challenge, join us on our trip through the clouds as we go through some of the best easy vape tricks.

Top 10 Impressive Vape Tricks

Before you attempt any of the following vape tricks, it is important to note that you will need the right device to get the best results. In terms of devices, you can look for sub-ohm tanks, RDAs (rebuildable dripping atomizers), or mechanical mods. You will also need the right e-liquid – e-liquids that are high in VG are thicker than high PG e-liquids. This means that high VG e-liquids produce denser and thicker clouds.

Ghost Inhale

The ghost inhale is the best trick for beginner vapers as it is very easy to learn. This trick creates a ghostly effect that is mesmerising to watch.

Start this trick by taking a long and deep pull from your device. Exhale the vapour slowly, but be sure to leave some of it in your mouth. Next, quickly inhale the vapour in again, and exhale to push all of the vapour that you kept in your mouth out, as if it is disappearing and reappearing like a ghost.

If you want to master this vape trick, you need to experiment and practise with the way you inhale and exhale until you get it right.

Liquid Mist

Liquid mist is a great vape trick to perform at a club or party. Performing this vape trick involves exhaling a thick cloud of vapour and manipulating it into something that looks like liquid pouring from your mouth. 

First, take a deep inhale from your vape and keep the vapour in your mouth for a few seconds. Slowly start to exhale the vapour from your nose, letting it escape into a misty cloud. It is important to control the intensity and speed of your exhale, so take your time and keep practising.

The Dragon

The dragon vape trick looks very mysterious and captivating, like a dragon breathing out puffs of smoke, and it is also easy to perform. 

In order to create this illusion, you need to take a long drag from your device and keep all the vapour in your mouth. You can tilt your head back as you do this for a more dramatic effect. Next, bring your head up quickly and exhale all the built up vapour through the corners of your mouth and your nose. You will feel like a mythical creature as the vapour starts to stream out. 

You will need confidence and speed to get the hang of this vape trick. With a few rounds of practice, you will easily be able to impress your friends with the dragon vape trick.

The Waterfall

Everyone is sure to be in awe once you perform the waterfall vape trick. You will be creating the illusion of a beautiful cascading waterfall of vapour that will leave you feeling like a pro.

Take a deep inhale and exhale very slowly so that you can produce a large cloud of vapour. Next, spread your fingers apart and place your hand palm upwards on top of the cloud. Move your hand down through the cloud, creating a waterfall effect. 

Make sure that you exhale enough vapour when you attempt this vape trick, even if you need to take some more puffs to make your cloud bigger.

The Tornado

The tornado vape trick has become very popular across the world. It is a visually satisfying trick that mimics a tornado-like effect with vapour. 

To start off this trick, take a long drag and exhale it slowly, making sure that all the vapour is concentrated into a single area. Next, make a fist and put it in front of your mouth as you exhale the vapour. Quickly move your wrist forward and spread your fingers outwards to create a whirlwind effect with the vapour.

You might need to open some windows as you practise this vape trick since you will need to produce a lot of vapour in one go.

The French Inhale

This impressive vape trick involves exhaling vapour through your nose while inhaling it through your mouth simultaneously. 

Take a long draw from your device and exhale everything out of your mouth. While you exhale, use your lower jaw and tongue to create a small opening in your mouth. Inhale deeply through your nose as you pull the vapour towards your nostrils. The vapour should flow from your mouth and nose to create a thick plume. 

This trick requires a bit of practice, so do not be discouraged if it takes some time to get the hang of it.

The Bane Inhale

The Bane inhale is a twist on the French inhale with a unique style to it. It is named after the iconic Batman villain as it creates a visual effect that looks like Bane’s signature breathing mask.

To do the Bane inhale, you need to follow the same instructions you did for the French inhale. However, this time you will have to put your teeth in front of the vapour so that it will only escape through the gaps in between. 

This vape trick will be very easy to do if you already know how to perform the French inhale.


Beginner vapers usually learn how to do O-rings early on. The name says it all – you need to make an “O”-shape out of vapour.

Take a large draw and hold it in your mouth. Form your lips into an “O”-shape and forcefully push out the vapour in a short exhale from your throat. This should create a pulsing motion that pushes the vapour out in a ring. 

If you experiment a little more, you can try to adjust your breath and do different hand movements to create bigger and smaller rings.

The Bow Tie

The bow tie is a must-see vape trick for any vaping enthusiast. This trick creates a perfect bow tie shape with vapour.

This trick requires dense smoke rings. Practice forming these by exhaling slowly without moving your jaw or tongue. Next, use your hand to split the ring at the top and bottom to create a bow tie shape in the centre.

Move your hands in a fluid motion and keep them steady to make sure that you get the perfect bow tie shape.


The triangle trick is classified as a more intermediate level vape trick, and you will need to be able to puff good O-rings first.

Start by puffing a sizable O-ring. Then, use both your hands to push the two sides inwards, creating a triangle. What makes this trick difficult is that you need a perfect O-ring, a smooth and gentle touch, and quick reflexes. Keep practising to master this impressive vape trick.

Vape tricks are a good way to entertain your friends and show yourself what you can do. From simple tricks like the ghost inhale to more intermediate tricks like triangles, you can have endless fun with your vaping experience. With some patience and practice, you will be able to master these vape tricks and showcase your talents to everyone around you.

Vaping Techniques: Top 10 Easy Vape Tricks

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