Vaping Vs. Smoking Cannabis: What Suits You Best?

Vaping cannabis has become a modern alternative to smoking the herb. Cannabis enthusiasts have turned to this newer method during which cannabis flowers are heated up to specific temperatures below the combustion point in vaporisers. However, many users are unsure about vaping cannabis, wondering if it is truly better for your health or if it really gives you the same effects as it would if you smoked it. In this article, we will go over the differences between vaping and smoking cannabis to help you decide which method is best for you.

Is It Healthier To Vape Cannabis Than To Smoke It?

Bubblers, bongs, joints, and pipes all rely on the process of combustion. Smoking cannabis in this manner, like smoking any other product, produces a list of harmful by-products, including tar. 

There are not many studies specifically on vaping cannabis. Studies have mostly been conducted on vaping in general, with the conclusion being that vaping is at least 95% better for your health than smoking cigarettes. Therefore, it is not far-fetched to say that vaporising cannabis is safer than smoking it. This is also why medical cannabis users are recommended to vape cannabis.

However, it is important to use high-quality cannabis vaping devices from reputable manufacturers. The best vaporisers are designed to only let vapour pass through materials like stainless steel, ceramic, and quartz, not through plastic, glue, rubber, or soldering around the heating elements.

The Pros And Cons Of Vaping Cannabis

Your health is the most obvious reason to consider vaping cannabis instead of smoking it, but there are other perks as well. Vaping marijuana is easier to do and less obvious, and it allows you to taste the differences between strains more clearly. 

However, vaping cannabis also has some drawbacks. You will need to learn how to use your device, keep it clean, and make sure that it is always charged (or plugged in for desktop units). Vaping cannabis can also have some effects that are different from what you are used to when smoking it.

Pros Of Vaping Cannabis

  • Better flavour profiles: You will notice a more pronounced flavour when you vape cannabis. This is due to the fact that the cannabis is vaporised instead of fully combusted, allowing you to experience the terpenes and full cannabinoid profiles of your strains. The flavour only starts to diminish towards the end of your session.
  • Temperature control: Cannabis vaporisers have different heat settings that allow you to control the temperature during your vaping session. You might have to play around with the settings before you find the right temperature, but each setting can produce different effects that you can tailor to suit your preference.
  • An efficient experience: Vaping cannabis allows you to extract cannabinoids from dry herbs slowly and effectively. You will be able to get more use out of the same amount of cannabis than you would from smoking it. You can also use your already vaped bud (AVB) to make edibles or tea, or as emergency stock for vaping/smoking. When you smoke cannabis, it simply turns to ash that you can no longer use.  
  • Vaping is better for your health: According to current research, vaping cannabis is a more conscious health choice than smoking it. If you are health conscious and enjoy cannabis, switching to vaping is your best option.
  • Discreetness: One of the most loved aspects of vaping is the fact that it does not produce a heavy odour like it does when smoking it. This is especially true at lower temperatures. This makes vaping a good option if you are looking for a more travel-friendly option or if you do not want everyone to know you are consuming cannabis.

Cons Of Vaping Cannabis

  • Device has to be charged or plugged in: You will need to make sure that your device is charged or plugged in to get anything out of your cannabis. While you can smoke cannabis virtually anywhere, you will need access to charging points when vaporising it. However, most handheld cannabis vaporisers will provide you with several vaping sessions before you need to recharge it, making it a minimal issue. 
  • A learning curve: The process of smoking cannabis takes some getting used to, but vaporising cannabis can be slightly trickier. It takes some trial and error to learn how to vaporise cannabis properly, from grinding it to the right consistency, packing it correctly, learning which settings to adjust, and how to inhale from the device. 
  • Necessary maintenance: There is more maintenance to vaping cannabis than smoking it. You will need to keep your vaporiser clean and well-maintained to make sure that it performs optimally. Make sure that you clean your vape after every session or every few sessions. Be sure to follow the user manual and clean it as instructed to avoid damaging the device.
  • Different effects: Vaping cannabis often gives you what is called a “cleaner” high. It will still provide you with all of the effects of smoking cannabis, but it is not always as intense as smoking it gram for gram would be.

The Pros And Cons Of Smoking Cannabis

The main benefit of smoking cannabis is that the effects are usually stronger. Besides that, smoking does not cost as much as vaporising cannabis costs initially. It can also be hard to stop rolling up a joint or packing your favourite glass piece, which is another reason why some people still do it the old-fashioned way. 

However, smoking cannabis is not without its faults. The health risks are the main reason why people are unsure about smoking cannabis. There is no tobacco in it, but you are still burning your cannabis. You also cannot control how it makes you feel, it smells worse, and it is not as efficient as vaping buds. Another problem with smoking is that you don’t pick up on small differences between strain types as well as you would if you vaped them.

Pros Of Smoking Cannabis

  • Immediate intense effects: Smoking cannabis is known for creating intense euphoric effects. By igniting cannabis at extreme temperatures, the cannabinoids are released immediately and you will experience the full effects of your specific strain in no time.
  • Potentially fewer costs: Smoking might be cheaper than vaping cannabis. If you buy rolling papers, you will be in for a much cheaper experience. Bongs and pipes are also generally much cheaper than cannabis vaporizers. However, vaporizers do not break as easily and once you have your device, it tends to last. Therefore, vaping might only be more expensive initially unless you opt for rolling joints.
  • Smoking as a traditional ritual: The process of packing, rolling, and smoking your cannabis can be a very ritualistic process. Many cannabis users opt for this traditional approach, making it difficult to switch to vaping.
  • No learning curve: Smoking cannabis is an easy process that does not require lots of practice. Most people can light a joint or stack a bong, and you can easily tell when your session is done. Vaping is more complex and will take some more experience and knowledge.
  • Little to no maintenance: Pipes and bongs might involve some general maintenance, but they require nowhere near as much effort as vaporisers. You also do not need as many accessories, although there are some optional ones out there. If you prefer joints, you will not even have any maintenance issues, you only need to roll them.

Cons Of Smoking Cannabis

  • Health risks: Although smoke produced by combusting cannabis is less harmful than smoke produced by combusting tobacco, it is still smoke. When any plant matter goes through the process of combustion, it produces tar, carcinogens, and other harmful by-products like benzene, toluene, and naphthalene. This makes smoking cannabis much more harmful than vaporising it.
  • Less control: You cannot really do anything to control the effects while smoking cannabis. You can try to find strains with different THC levels, take smaller or bigger puffs, or roll your joints tighter, but it will not make much of a difference. Vaping will give you a lot more control over your overall vaping experience.
  • More noticeable: When you smoke cannabis, it gives off a strong odour that lingers. People around you will definitely notice it, making vaping the better option when it comes to being discreet.
  • Less efficient: Smokers often go through more cannabis than vapers. Once you have finished your joint or bowl, your cannabis is ash and should be thrown out. Vaping cannabis cooks the herb at a slower rate, making it easier for you to get out every last bit of THC.
  • Less of a flavour profile experience: It is much more difficult to tell the difference between strain flavours when you smoke cannabis. It is still possible if you are more experienced, but vaping will provide you with a more distinct flavour profile for your strains. This is because the terpenes that are responsible for giving your weed its flavour are usually completely depleted at the high temperature of smoking cannabis.

If you are a cannabis enthusiast struggling to choose between vaping and smoking cannabis, it is important to consider the pros and cons of each method. If you are looking for a safer, more discreet, more flavourful, and more effective way to enjoy cannabis, vaping is the way to go. If you are opting for a cheaper way to achieve immediate intense effects in an easy and traditional way, you can stick to smoking cannabis. Just remember that it is not the best option when it comes to your health. The choice is up to you, but it might be worth it to try vaping cannabis out. You might end up liking the feeling and doing what is good for your body as well.

Vaping Vs. Smoking Cannabis: What Suits You Best?

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